- Repair of the ship cost a lot of money. 這艘船的修理花費了很多錢。
- The cost of repairing the fabric of the church was very high. 修理教堂結構的花費非常大。
- The repair of the ship cost a lot of money. 這隻船的修理花費了很多錢。
- The repair of the ship cost much money. 這艘輪船的修理花了很多錢。
- His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want. 他想要那個吉他,但他父母看到吉他的價格卻躊躇不決。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick. 輪船不停地緩慢搖晃使他感到不適。
- The full cost of the holiday fell upon me. 度假的全部費用都甩給我支付。
- The ship ran a foul of the floating seaweed. 船和漂流的海藻糾纏在一起。
- The cargo was lashed down on the deck of the ship. 貨物牢牢地縛在船的甲板上。
- The ship came into sight out of the fog. 那艘船駛出濃霧,依稀可見。
- The cost of the trial swallow up all their savings. 訴訟費用耗光了他們的全部積蓄。
- The lighthouse was abeam of the ship. 燈塔在船的正橫方向。
- We'll split the cost of the dinner between us. 我們將均分晚餐的費用。
- The wood rudder of the ship was broken. 船的木頭舵壞了。
- Did you reckon in the cost of the taxi? 你把計程車費算進去了嗎?
- The workers are laying a keel of the ship. 工人正在給那艘船安龍骨。
- The cost of the flood damage is impossible to quantify. 這次水災的損失是無可估量的。
- This is the virgin voyage of the ship. 這是這艘船的處女航。
- A lot of the cost of maintenance go into renew brake. 很多的維修費用都花在了更換煞車方面。
- The course of the ship was due north. 這條船的航行方向是正北。