- Basic rental charge for each half hour or part thereof in excess of 3 hours. 租用超過3小時,超時每半小時或不足半小時的收費。
- Rental charges for the collection of all small underfunded. 收取的租賃費全部彌補了小區經費不足。
- Seminar rental charge includes P.A. System with 2 microphones, seats, projection screen, speaker's podium, white writing board, drinking fountain and reception table. 免費設備包括:音響(麥克風2個)、座位;投影白銀幕、主講台、寫字白板、水機及報到台各一台。
- Apart from the telephone rental charges, telephone service fee shall be collected by the Telephone Bureau in accordance with the actual amount due per months. 除了租線費以外,電話費按實際每月話費量由電話局收取。
- For example, when we evaluated machine A versus machine B, we implicitly assumed that their fair rental charges would continue at $10,610 versus $11,450. 例如,當我們評估機器A對機器B的時候,我們潛在的假定它們的租賃費用將繼續保持為%2410,610對%2411,450。
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那個狠心的地主不肯給他減租。
- I rent my new car from the lease holder. 我從車主手裡租到了這輛嶄新的汽車。
- I decided to rent a car from a car rental company. 於是我決定向汽車租賃公司租部車子。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帳單上包括了百分之十的服務費。
- Goulias, Dimitrios G., I-Jy Steven Chien, and Shmuel Yahalom. 2003. "Traffic Analysis and Definition of Defensible Rental Charges for Highway Work Zones." Submitted for presentation at the 2003 TRB Annual Meeting. 「在公路工作區進行租車收費的車流分析和定義」,遞交給2003年交通研究署年會上發表。
- Our present lease on the flat expires next month. 我們這套公寓的租約下月到期。
- The rent is due at the end of each quarter. 繳納租金以每季度末為期限。
- The endless lea will purify your thought. 一望無際的草原會凈化你的思想。
- The lease on our flat runs out in a few months. 我們公寓的租約還有幾個月就到期了。
- The tenant was evicted for non-payment of rent. 這個房客因為沒有交房租而被趕出去了。
- Food and rent nibbled at the money they had saved. 食品和租金蠶食著他們的積蓄。
- She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她為獲得額外收入決定租出一個房間。
- We will lease you the house for one year. 我們將把這房子租給你一年。
- He's asking 80 a month rent for that flat. 那套房間月租他要80英鎊。