- Blomme I, Brynger H.Malignant disease in renal transplant patient[J]. 劉龍,黎鑒泉,牛技平.;腎移植術后併發惡性腫瘤6例報告[J]
- At high magnification, the lymphocytes and plasma cells are seen around a renal tubule in a renal transplant patient with acute cellular rejection. 高倍鏡可見發生急性細胞排斥反應的腎移植病人的淋巴細胞和漿細胞浸潤於腎小管周圍。
- We present a clinical report of chylous ascites in a renal transplant patient under sirolimus therapy; our investigation pointed to sirolimus as the cause. 我們報道使用西羅莫司的一例腎移植患者發生乳糜性腹水,我們的研究提示西羅莫司的使用是其產生的原因。
- In our transplant center, we used an immunosuppression reduction regimen in stable renal transplant patients. 在本移植中心,我們對穩定的腎移植患者採用降低劑量的免疫抑制方案。
- Rresults.It is safe,effective,and reasonable for renal transplant patients to use cyclosporine A by pharmaceutical care. 結果通過藥學監護,使腎移植患者使用環孢素A安全、有效和合理。
- OBJECTIVE To study the reasons and treatments of cytomegalovirus(CMV) infection complicated with ARDS in renal transplant patients. 目的探索腎移植患者巨細胞病毒(CMV)感染的誘因和治療措施。
- Abstract:Immunosuppression for immunologically high-risk renal transplant patients usually inoles antithymocyte globulin induction with triple drug maintenance therapy. 摘要:腎移植免疫高危患者的免疫抑制方案通常是予抗胸腺細胞球蛋白誘導免疫抑制;然後以三聯免疫抑製藥物維持治療.
- Gema F F,Rafael E,Emilio R,et al.The risk of cardiovascular disease associated with proteinuria in renal transplant patients [J].Transplantation,2002,73 (8):1345. 任吉忠;閔志廉;朱有華;等.;腎移植患者合併嚴重肺部感染的臨床診斷與救治[J]
- CONCLUSION: The presence of HLA antibodies does not preclude the successful reduction of immunosuppression in renal transplant patients with stable graft function. 結論:對腎移植術后移植物功能穩定的患者來說,HLA抗體的存在並不會阻礙降低劑量免疫抑制方案的療效。
- In 590 cadaveric renal transplant patients, acute rejection rate was 23. 2% and chronic 17.1%, and the rate of 1 and 3 year-suvival was 86. 9% and 69. 2% respectively. 590例屍體腎移植中;急性排斥反應的發生率為22.;7%25;慢性排斥反應的發生率為17
- METHODS The whole blood concentration of FK506 on 206 renal transplant patients was determined by microparticle eniyme immuno assay, the results and the therapeutic effect were studied. 方法:採用微粒子酶免分析法對206例腎移植患者進行血葯濃度監測,並對其結果及療效進行分析總結。
- Lebranchu Y et al. Immunoprophylaxis with basiliximab with antithymocyte globulin in renal transplant patients receiving MMF-containing triple therapy. Am J Transplantat 2002;2:48-56. 對於不同類型的腎移植患者,舒萊聯合新山地明為基本用藥的免疫方案中,也顯示出其明顯的優勢。
- Methods ELISA was used to detect FK506 valley point in 27 renal transplant patients at different postoperative periods.Based on the results combined with clinical findings,the dosages were adjusted. 方法採用酶聯免疫吸附法(ELISA)對27例腎移植術後患者不同時期全血中FK506谷值濃度進行監測,並結合臨床調整劑量,分析該法準確性及對臨床FK506應用的指導作用。
- Effects of fluvastatin on cardiac events in renal transplant patients: ALERT (Assessment of Lescol in Renal Transplantation) study design and baseline data. 氟伐他汀對腎臟移植患者心臟事件的影響:ALERT(評估來適可在腎臟移植中的作用)研究設計及基線資料。
- ABST?RACT:OBJECTIVE To develop an HPLC/ESI + MS method for quantifying cyclosporine A (CsA)in the whole blood of renal transplantation patients. 目的 :建立液相色譜 -電噴霧質譜聯用 (HPLC/ESI+ MS)測定器官移植患者全血中環孢素A(CsA)方法。
- Conclusions To renal transplantation patients,the both influences of biologic factors and psychological factors should be emph... 結論對腎移植病人,不僅要重視生物因素的影響,也應重視社會心理因素對患者的影響。
- Objective:To investigate the feasibility of cholangiolithasis surgery of hemodlalysis and renal transplantation patients. 目的:探討血液透析及腎移植患者的膽道結石手術的可行性。
- The frequencies distribution of Fok I, Aap I, Bsm I and Taq I alleles in 80 renal transplantation patients in Shanghai all in accordance with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. 80例上海移植腎受者VDR基因四個多態位點中僅ApaI酶切位點的不同基因型間腰椎和股骨粗隆部位BMD有明顯差異(p<0.;05);
- This study investigated the application protocol of immunosuppressive agents during the treatment of pulmonary infection in renal transplantation patients. 文章旨在探討腎移植術后肺部感染患者免疫抑製劑的應用方案。
- Isolation of Malassezia furfur from the Groin Abscess of a Renal Transplant Patient 腎移植患者皮膚膿腫分離出糠秕馬拉色菌1例報道