- Polishing grinding head combines pneumatic machinery and lock control, and can be operated independently. 拋光磨頭集氣動機械與鎖定控制於一體,可獨立操作。
- The door remains locked for half a year. 這門半年裡一直鎖著。
- It is equally likely to reappear at any moment or remain locked down indefinitely. 網站隨時都可能解禁,同樣也可能無限期地被封鎖下去。
- ATSLC Automatic Transmission Shift Lock Control 自動變速器換檔鎖控制
- In my view,such an arrangement should not be confined to Shanghai and Shanxi Province. Nor should we remain locked in an experimental stage. 我主張不只是搞上海和山西兩個經濟協作區,也不要老是試點。
- The following steps explain how to add validation rules to controls, and how to lock controls and thus prevent users from altering data. 下面的步驟說明如何向控制項中添加有效性規則,以及如何鎖定控制項以防止用戶更改數據。
- The Representative added that TPMs did not cease upon expiry of copyright, so the content could remain locked, even when no rights subsisted. 代表補充說,技術型措施並不會在版權屆滿時自動停止,因此即使不存在任何權利,內容仍然會被鎖定。
- In my view, such an arrangement should not be confined to Shanghai and Shanxi Province. Nor should we remain locked in an experimental stage. 我主張不只是搞上海和山西兩個經濟協作區,也不要老是試點。
- Most stars orbit a mate, and occasionally both stars in a binary pair will go supernova yet remain locked in mutual thrall. 多數的恆星都環繞著另一個伴星運行。有時候,雙星系的兩顆星會都變成超新星,卻仍舊彼此束縛在一起。
- The verbal sparring between Old Trafford and Stamford Bridge continues as Manchester United and Chelsea remain locked in a fascinating contest to win the Premiership title. 當曼聯和切爾西榜首之爭如火如荼之時,老特拉福德和的掌門也繼續著口水仗。
- Libraries have however remained locked in their growth spiral. 然而,圖書館仍然處在不斷增長的階梯上。
- Lock control suitable for the beverage distributors management; 整機鎖控,利於飲料商管理;
- Software Design on Intelligentized Lock Control System 智能化門鎖控制系統的軟體設計
- He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. 他在門上鑿了個孔,以便裝一把新鎖。
- This lock can only be opened from the inside. 這把鎖只能從裡面打開。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把鑰匙插入鎖里轉動。
- The frightening image of the curator's body remained locked in his mind. 館長的屍體擺出的那恐怖的造型一直浮現在他的腦海中。
- We must put a new lock on the front door. 我們得在前門上安一把新鎖。
- Mr. Smith prefers that you remain at Lock Willow. 史密斯先生希望你留在洛克威洛。
- Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful. 人命與蘿蔔依然是多而且便宜。