Due to the relegation , there was a real exodus of big-name players, who had no intention of playing in the second division. 由於被驅逐,有大批的明星球員,不想在二級球隊比賽的離開了。
They lost three of their four pre-Owen Premiership games, failing to score in any, and found themselves in the relegation zone. 他們在歐文加入前的比賽中,四場比賽輸掉了三場,失掉了所有的得分機會,他們發現自己正被英超這個賽場驅逐出去。
Lazio midfielder Roberto Baronio believes that the club must accept that they are involved in a battle against relegation. 拉齊奧隊的中場大將羅伯托巴羅尼奧認為,俱樂部必須接受他們正在為保級而戰。
Even in the fight away, the opponent is doomed to avoid relegation Sike's struggling. 即使在客場作戰,對手又是註定要死磕的保級弱旅。