- The root system of the apple tree grows in proportion to the top. 蘋果根系的生長與樹冠生長成正比。
- At maturity the root system is extensively nodulated. 在成熟時,根系普遍具有根瘤。
- Research Progress in the Root System of Arctium lappa L. 牛蒡根的研究進展。
- The root system of the soybean consists of a taproot formed by the radicle. 大豆的根系包括由胚根形成的主根。
- The average relative root length(RRL) was 24.7%,relative seedling length and fresh weight were(59.7%) and 69.1%,respectively. 結果表明;與對照相比;缺氧處理對油菜幼苗生長具有顯著的抑制作用:平均相對根長為24.;7%25;平均相對莖長和鮮重分別為59
- Root System and Ratooning Peculiarity Research of Lespedeza bicolorTurcz. 二色胡枝子根系特性及再生特性的研究。
- Researches on Morphology and Anatomy of Root System of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. 金釵石斛根系的形態及解剖學研究。
- Inflorescence scapose or racemose arising from persistent root system. 花序具花葶的或總狀的生於宿存的根系統。
- With the growth of trees, root systems interlace. 以油松為例進行模型驗證。
- Thus, the fungal isolate appeared able to influence both the development and form of its host's root system. 因此,真菌分離物似乎能影響其寄主根條的發育和形成。
- Fibrous root systems are characteristic of monocotyledons. 鬚根系是單子葉植物的特徵。
- Root systems have had to be excavated without the aid of water. 根系必須在不用水的情況下掘
- Fractal theory was used to investigate the configuration characteristic and physiological function of root system. 應用分形理論研究植物根系的形態結構特徵和生理功能。
- A root system with all of the branches of approximately equal thickness, as the grasses and other monocots. 由粗細相近無主次之分的根組成的根系,如禾草和其它單子葉植物的根。
- Effects of peat and weathered coal on activity of rice root system and its nutritional absorption. 草炭和風化煤對水稻根系活力和養分吸收的影響。
- Influence of Geographical Climatic Factors on Biomass of Root System of Larix gmelinii Rupr. 地理氣候因子對落葉松根系生物量分佈的影響。
- Influence of fertilization depth on root system senescence of upland wheat after anthesis. 施肥深度對旱地小麥花后根系衰老的影響。
- Morphological characteristics and growth redundancy of spring wheat root system in semi-arid regions. 半乾旱地區春小麥根系形態特徵與生長冗餘的初步研究。
- A geometric discription of the root system for the indefinite type Kac-Moody algebra of rank 2 is given. 在第1個註記中;給出了秩為2的不定型 Kac-Moody 代數的根系的一個幾何刻劃.
- Is our relative strength growing? 我們的相對力量正在增長嗎?