- Do marketing activity to develop the related market. 開拓市場,提高市場份額。
- Business Liaison of exp.%26imp. Trade, and related market investigation on textile. 從事有關紡織品進出口貿易的業務聯絡和相關的市場調研。
- Collect related market information, analyze it and share suggestion with NCL, develop NCL's sales policies. 收集相關的市場信息並分析、提出相關建議,進一步完善銷售策略。
- In the meantime, related market intermediaries and service institutions must be developed and established. 同時,培育建立相關的市場中介組織和服務機構。
- Zhang Xinzhu said that in examination merger and acquisition time, most important one step was the limits the related market. 張昕竹介紹說,在審查併購的時候,首要一步是界定「相關市場」。
- The premise delimits the related market scope, and after computation merger and acquisition disputing party respective market share and merger and acquisition market share. 前提是劃定相關市場範圍,並且計算併購當事方各自的市場份額和併購后的市場份額。
- Have a clear picture of the related market, responsible for the information collection, analysis and feed-back to General Manager and cooperate General Manager to consider actions that might be taken. 收集並分析市場相關信息,並及時反饋給上級領導。
- Vickers J.Competition and Regulation in Vertically Related Markets[J].Review of Economic Studies,1995,(62). 我們把放鬆規制(即市場化)視為規制的一種特殊狀態.
- Thru the probe and analysis, the author sticks on: it is only after targeting the demand of sourcing customer,clearing the strategic issue, the related marketing tactic strategy can be planned. 通過調查分析,作者認為:市場營銷中,首先需捕捉目標客戶的需求,明確戰略問題,才能制定出相應的營銷戰術策略。
- She's my namesake but we're not related. 她與我同姓,但我們不是親戚。
- No doubt her death is related to politics. 她的死無疑和政治有關。
- These two events were related to each other. 這兩個事件相互有聯繫。
- She related just how the accident had occurred. 她描述了這次事故是怎樣發生的。
- This article uses the customer relational graph from the relational marketing study angle to construct zhe KPI system of Key Account Manager. 文章從關係營銷學的角度,通過採用客戶關係圖來構建大客戶經理的關鍵績效考核指標體系。
- She related some of her experiences in Xinjiang. 她講了講自已在新疆的一些經歷。
- According to Relation Marketing,it is thought that book marketing should be operated in personnel relation,client relation and competition-cooperate relation. 在關係營銷理論的指導下,提出了圖書市場營銷要從員工關係,顧客關係和競爭合作關係展開。
- She related the event in a tragic voice. 她用悲痛的聲調講述這一事件。
- We are experienced in graphic design, website building, public relation marketing and display and exhibition.We have set branches in Shanghai, Suzhou and Jiaxing, etc. 我公司在平面設計,網站建設,公關營銷,展示展覽等方面有著深厚功底,在上海、蘇州、嘉興等地均設有分公司。
- Are you related to Uncle Xu of our village? 你和我們村的徐大爺是親戚嗎?
- I am related to her by marriage. 我和她有姻親關係。