- A retail dealer in tobacco and tobacco related articles. 做煙草和與煙草有關生意的零售商。
- Clip articles and place them in a folder of related articles or ideas. Periodically, glance through the folder. 裝訂好文章,把它們放在一個相關文章或與想法有關的文件夾里。定期檢視一下這些文件夾。
- Use the latest version posted on this website. Please check the Related Articles. 請隨時檢查本頁面右下角最新的文章。
- IT Flickr tag page for IT del.icio.us tag page for IT IT.--- Related Articles at Mind Manage... 看來,要做到持續被認同和信任不容易啊,不成長不行。
- Methods:After reading the related articles about RVO to review RVO treatment advancement. 方法 :閱讀國內外有關文獻並進行綜合敘述。
- Clinical end - user searching for related articles has risen dramatically for recent years, spurred by the development of databases on CD and on web. 近年來,隨著中文生物醫學文獻光碟資料庫和網路資料庫的發展,越來越多的臨床醫生能夠自己上網或利用校園網檢索文獻。
- There are hundreds of different plugins from adding custom links like related articles to your sidebar to adding weather reports. 有成百上千種不同的鏈接,從增加自定義鏈接像你的工具條的相關文章到添加天氣預報。
- The compositing of the articles is frenetic, with so many sidebars and related articles all mixed together that you just about can't read it linearly. 雜 志由各種風格的文章組成,各類相關的文章混合在一起,導致你無法直線的閱讀。
- Greider, William. "The Real Cancun: WTO Heads Nowhere." In The Nation. Sept. 22, 2003. Pp. 11-20. (please read related articles in the packet too). 真實誘惑:WTO沒有未來國家11-20頁(也請閱讀相關文章)
- DATA SOURCES: The related articles were searched in Medline between January 1995 and July 2006 with the of "adiponectin, bone" and "adiponectin, bone mineral density" in English. 資料來源:應用計算機檢索Medline數據1995-01/2006-07期間的相關文章,檢索詞分別為「adiponectin,bone」和「adiponectin,bone mineral density」,限定文章語言種類為English。
- This blog created by FireDog to share about Rescue related articles or story, like Fire fighting, First Aid, Rescue Skills &equipments, Disaster &Emergency Prepareness. 這個部落格是火狗新增以分享一些有關緊急拯救、急救、自救、災難管理、防火意識和災難故事等。
- Our company is the leader of the crossbow line in China。We』re guiding the advanced domestic technologies and are specialized in producing crossbows and the related articles. 公司是中國弓弩行業領導者,引領國內先進技術,專業製造弓弩及相關產品。
- The authors reviewed all available related articles in the literature and intended to generalize a guideline for the management of this issue if encountered. 本文作者收集許多相關文獻,作成結論,希望為臨床細胞遺傳工作者擬出一套正確處理步驟。
- DATA SOURCE: The related articles published in English from January 1990 to December 2004 were computer searched in Medline database using the terms of "Fas", "Bcl-2", "Myasthenia Gravis" and "gene". 資料來源:應用計算機檢索Medline資料庫1990-01/2004-12期間的相關文獻,檢索詞為「Fas」,「Bcl-2」,「MyastheniaGravis」及「gene」分別組合進行檢索,限定文章語言種類為English。
- DATA SOURCES: A computer-based search in Pubmed database for related articles on aphasia published from January 2000 to January 2006 were conducted with the of "aphasia, anomia, treat, treatment, therapy, cure, heal" in English. 資料來源:應用計算機檢索Pubmed資料庫2000-01/2006-01期間的有關失語症方面的文獻。 檢索詞為「aphasia,anomia,treat,treatment,therapy,cure,heal」,並限定文章語言種類為English。
- DATA SOURCES: The related articles of purification method of autologous hematopoietic stem cell published from January 1991 to December 2003 were searched on Medline with the Keywords of"purging, HSCT" in English. 資料來源:應用計算機檢索Medline 1991-01/2003-12有關自體造血幹細胞體外凈化方法的文章,檢索詞「purging,HSCT」,並限定文章語言種類為English。
- Meanwhile, Chinese Medical Current Contents (CMCC), Wanfang database and Vip database were undertaken to identify related articles published between January 1990 and December 2005 with the same key words in Chinese. 同時計算機檢索中文生物醫學期刊文獻資料庫、萬方資料庫和維普科技期刊資料庫1990-01/2005-12期間的相關文章,檢索詞「骨內壓、骨內高壓、治療」,限定文章語言種類為中文。
- Methods Related articles were summarized and analyzed to elucidate relation of S100 protein and brain injury induced by extracorporeal circulation. 方法採用文獻綜述的方法對S100蛋白與體外循環腦損傷關係進行敘述。
- Take a look at more industry related articles by Amber Smith at CareersandEducation.com . Amber Smith is a frequent contributor with articles pertaining to using Distance Learning and Career Advice. 你會驚訝多少隨機政府貸款和贈款;複本.;大多數人甚至從未知道這些選擇
- One set of bibliographic data is associated with the entire group of related articles and is our best estimate at the representative article for the group. 一組編目數據,都與整組文章相關聯,而我們會盡最大努力推舉最具代表性的一篇。