- A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employee. 罷工就是大量僱員集體拒絕工作。
- Statistics of employee working meals. 員工餐的統計與管理。
- The number of employees is being whittled down in order to reduce costs. 為節省開支現正逐漸裁員。
- The People's Army is responsible for the reinstatement of the present HoR. 之後,人民軍隊又在確保人民群眾大罷工方面發揮了重要作用。
- The number of employees was reduced from 40 to 25. 僱員人數從40人減少到了25人。
- Total number of employees affected by the scope? 受當前體系範圍約束的員工數目是多少?
- What is the overall age distribution of employees? 員工的總體年齡分佈是怎樣的?
- Assist in performance management procedure of employee probation. 協助完成每月轉正員工的考核。
- Average number of employees in a sleeping room? 一個房間平均住多少工人?
- Is Chinese "ESOP" Organization on Behalf of Employee Interests? 論"職工中心主義"下的職工持股會制度?
- However introducing unheated winter fresh air via window trickle vents would require the reinstatement of a heating system in each room. 然而通過窗戶上窄條風口引進的未加熱的室外冬季新風會使得每個房間重新加裝採暖設備。
- Evaluate and promote performance of employees. 評估並促進員工的工作績效。
- International media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders says it is shocked and dismayed by the dismissals, and urged the reinstatement of the three editors. 維護媒體權利的國際組織「記者無國界」說,對於楊斌的被解職感到震驚和失望,並呼籲恢復三位編輯的職務。
- The allocation of employee costs to inventory or expense is proper. 僱員對於存貨清單和花消成本分攤上是合理的.
- Wood did not say whether Clinton specially urged the reinstatement of Chief Justice Chaudhry. 伍德沒有說柯林頓是否特別敦促恢復首席法官喬杜里的職務。
- Freedom for Tibet is not simply a case of liberation from China and the reinstatement of traditional values. 西藏的自由,並不是從中國獲得解放,並恢復傳統價值觀那麼簡單。
- This parking lot is for the use of employees only. 這個停車場只。
- Describe the departments and number of employees. 描述公司部門和員工數量。
- In the years following the reinstatement of graduate applications in 1981, the number of students applying for the exam skyrocketed. 從1981年恢復研究生入學考試以來,考研人數年年激增。