- Han script is a transitional form from seal to regular script. 漢隸是篆字和楷書的過渡。
- He copied this poem in regular script in one-cun-sized characters. 他用寸楷抄寫了一遍這首詩。
- Please complete the from BLOCK LETTER. 請以正楷填寫表格。
- Please complete in block letter. 請用正揩字體書寫。
- Write your name and address in block letter . 用大寫字母寫你的名字和地址。
- The current script of Chinese characters is kaishu (regular script). 歷史證明,漢字具有旺盛的生命力。
- On the delivery, receiver is asked to sign the waybill with regular script. 收件人簽收郵件時亦應使用正楷簽名。
- Please write your telegram in block letter. 請用印刷體書寫電報。
- Write your name and address in block letter or in capital letter. 用大寫字母書寫你的姓名及地址。
- Li calligraphy developed from zhuan characters but it introduced the kai (regular script) characteristics. 隸書承上啟下,上承篆書,下啟楷書。
- Please attach your business card or fill in below in BLOCK LETTER. 請閣下附上名片或用正楷於下欄填寫最新資料。
- Meanwhile, kai calligraphy (regular script) and xing calligraphy (semi cursive script) also appeared and developed rapidly. 同時,楷書和行書也出現並快速發展起來。
- The official script in calligraphy is a transition between seal character, and regular script. 隸體是書法從篆體到楷體的過渡。
- Write your name and address in block letters. 用大寫字母寫你的名字和地址。
- Write your name in block letters. 請用正楷大寫字母寫你的名字。
- Calligraphy in writing is relation one another, at the samt time, they are absolute one another. No mater grass hand or regular script, thet are like so. 書法運筆是相互聯繫的,同時又是每筆每化是相對獨立的層次。
- Please write your telegram in block letters. 請用印刷體書寫電報。
- Deformation and exaggeration are the motivities of the art of calligraphy development, Li script inherits form seal character and it is the fountainhead of regular script. 書法藝術發展的原動力就是變形與誇張。
- Shek Kip flower size, the historywen ren mo ke Cliff left a large number of stone, or Notepad, or lyric, or Lishu, or regular script, rich and colorful. 大小花石峽中,歷代文人墨客留下大量摩崖碑刻,或記事,或抒情,或隸書,或楷書,豐富多彩。
- Please complete the form in block letters. 請用正楷填寫此表格。