- Responsible for complying with all local and state laws and regulations regarding VAT, customs, income tax and stamp tax filing. 負責遵守所有關於增值稅,關稅,所得稅和印花稅編檔的地方和國家法律法規。
- Finally,the paper concluded that the following plan is more reasonable: China railway is exempt from 1and use tax and house property tax, and pays vehicle and ship use tax and stamp tax as usual. 最後,認為在「九五」期間,國家免征鐵路的土地使用稅和房產稅,而車船使用稅和印花稅照常交納這一方案較之合理
- I could hear the snort and stamp of a horse. 我能聽見馬打響鼻兒、跺蹄子的聲音。
- Address of Registration and P.C. 註冊地址及郵編。
- Clap your hands and stamp your feet. 拍拍你的手跺跺你的腳。
- What is the term of registration and renewal? 註冊和續約的期限?
- Place and date. Signature and stamp of authority. 貿促會蓋章、簽字欄。
- Please sign and stamp on these documents. 請在這些單據上面簽字、蓋章。
- You can settle your tax, business registration fee and stamp duty payment via the Internet, by phone, ATM or the e-Pay Station Bill Payment Service. 你可使用互聯網、電話、銀行自動櫃員機或易繳站繳付賬單服務繳付稅款、商業登記費及印花稅。
- Address, seal, and stamp the love letter. 信封上寫好地址,密封好之後貼上郵票。
- The sovereign's head appear on coin and stamp. 君主的頭像出現在硬幣和郵票上。
- Examples of direct taxes are income tax and stamp duty. 直接稅的典型例子是所得稅和印花稅。
- The registration and protection of trademarks are now set by law. 如今,商標的註冊和保護已有法律規定。
- For registration and enquiry, please contact HKMDC Secretariat. 報名及查詢,請聯絡模協秘書處。
- What is the time requirement for the stamp tax return? 印花稅的申報期限是?
- You should also make a supplementary payment for stamp tax. 請您公司補繳印花稅。
- The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently. 這匹馬呼哧呼哧地喘著氣,不耐煩地跺著蹄子。
- Your company should make a supplementary payment for stamp tax. 請您公司補繳印花稅。
- To guide the tax registration and submission and the management of tax data. 指導稅務登記、申報工作和稅收資料的管理。