- Acchh! Name! Hsss, name was Kerin. Yes, Kerin! That was his name! Coward! Hides in the Red Temple! 啊啊啊!名字!嘶嘶,名字是凱瑞恩,對,凱瑞恩!就是他的名字!懦夫的說!就知道躲進紅色的神殿里!
- What a careful man my friend was! He had had the artificial hill inlaid with a clay pavilion and a red temple, with a white pagoda on top. 真是個細心人呢,他在上面還嵌了一所泥制的小涼亭,一座紅廟,頂上還有尊白塔。
- The whole architectural complex includes three parts: the 「Red Temple」 in the middle is composed of Buddhism Hall, Sutra Hall, Dalai's Stupa Hall and Xiang Hall. 整個建築群分三個部分:中間是紅色的「紅宮」,它是由佛堂、經堂、達賴的靈塔殿和享殿組成。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明顯的條狀紅腫。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 紅燈通常是危險的信號。
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵紅色康乃馨。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用紅墨水在紙上亂塗。
- He pulled a red sweater on over his shirt. 他在襯衣外面套上了一件紅色毛衣。
- Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. 一直往前走直到一座紅磚樓為止。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 這塊土地種上了紅花和白花苜蓿。
- Everyone at the rally wore red ribbons as favours. 參加集會的人都系著紅絲帶作為支持大會的標記。
- Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red. 她那些批評任誰都得火冒三丈。
- I have a red tracksuit with fleecy lining. 我有一件紅色的有羊毛襯裡的運動服。
- How much money are you riding on the red horse? 你在那匹紅馬身上押了多少錢?
- How much red ink is there in the ink-pot? 墨水瓶里有多少紅墨水?
- A red pencil-mark on the fifth page caught his eye. 在第5頁上一個紅鉛筆記號引起了他的注意。
- The application has been held up by red tape. 申請被官僚的繁文縟節所耽擱。
- The dying fire was throwing out a dull red light. 將要熄滅的火發出暗紅色的光。
- The Red Cross dealt out food to hungry soldiers. 紅十字會把食物分發給飢餓的士兵。
- The red sun lights up the sky and the earth. 紅太陽照亮了天空和大地。