- The car overturned after skidding. 那一部汽車滑向一邊後翻倒。
- The boat overturned but didn't sank. 小船翻了,但沒有沉。
- The cart overturned and precipitated us to the ditch. 車子翻了,我們被摔進了溝里。
- The carriage overturned and the passengers (were) pitched out. 馬車翻了,車上的人都(被)摔出來了。
- Some high-ranking officers plotted to overturn the government. 有幾名高級軍官策劃推翻政府。
- The revolutionist planned to overturn this puppet regime. 革命者計劃推翻傀儡政府。
- It glided noiselessly towards the recumbent woman. 它無聲無息地向那斜倚著的女人走去。
- The building was overturned at the earthquake. 那棟大樓在地震中已坍塌了。
- The vase overturned and crashed into pieces. 花瓶翻倒后摔了個粉碎。
- The rough water overturned their boat. 大浪打翻了他們的船。
- The car overturned and the driver was pitched out. 車子翻身了,駕駛員被扔了出來。
- Heavy seas nearly overturned the ship. 大浪幾於那一條船傾覆。
- They planned to overturn the government. 他們計劃推翻政府。
- We would also like to note that the TDD and FDD basic differences. 不過,由於使用了分光鏡的關係,光學觀景器的光度稍為減弱。
- The picnickers were recumbent on thick moss under a big tree. 野餐的人們在大樹下厚厚的苔蘚上舒適地躺著。
- His sentence was overturned by the appeal court. 上訴法庭撤銷了對他的判決。
- Points out development trends about FDD applied to HVAC systems. 展望了發展方向。
- The July edition of the Coad letter compares XP to FDD. Coadletter七月版中比較了XP和FDD。
- It overturned some long-held theories. 它傾覆了一些根深蒂固的學說。
- The cat overturned the vase of flowers. 小貓打翻了花瓶。