- Circuitous route is transformed on, change " card neck " line, rectify and reform net of low-pressure power supply. 上改造迂迴線,更換「卡脖」線條,整改低壓供電網。
- Every discovers a problem, must termless rectify and reform instantly, this inactive is uniform stop, what should cancel is uniform cancel, this.. 凡發現問題的;必須無條件立即整改;該停止的一律停止;該取消的一律取消;該...
- In order to perfect Tibet's administrative organizations,the Qing Dynasty on many occasions enacted "regulations" to rectify and reform old systems and establish new ones. 為了完善西藏行政機構的職能,清朝多次頒下「章程」,整頓改革舊的制度,建立新的制度。
- In order to perfect Tibet's administrative organizations, the Qing Dynasty on many occasions enacted "regulations" to rectify and reform old systems and establish new ones. 為了完善西藏行政機構的職能,清朝多次頒下「章程」,整頓改革舊的制度,建立新的制度。
- The major mistake that Hua Wen produces in medium accountant activity, be stationed in by the Ministry of finance censorial commissioner agency instructs Hainan province finance rectify and reform. 華聞傳媒會計活動中發生的重大差錯,被財政部駐海南省財政監察專員辦事處責令整改。
- Increment benefit is to show the enterprise is bought apply tone to rectify and reform go to project and assume nonperformance adjusts the benefit that transforms project phase to increase than place. 增量效益是指企業買施調整改造項目與假定不實施調整改造項目相比所增加的效益。
- To make the safe hidden trouble in the discovery on-the-spot prompt, have recorded and carried out appraisement , give to rectify and reform measure , draw up the safely inspection table on-the-spot. 為使在現場發現的安全隱患及時得以記錄、進行評價、給出整改措施,編製現場安全檢查表。
- After manufacturing company is rectified and reform, its commodity classics reinspects qualification rear but reentrance Beijing. 生產企業整改后,其商品經複檢合格後方可再進入北京。
- The company failed to finish the rectification and reform in the specified period according to the requirements in the notice issued by CSRC and its agencies. (十七)公司未按照中國證監會及其派出機構發出的限期整改通知書的要求完成整改。
- To rectify and regulate the import and export order. 整頓和規範進出口秩序。
- Educational leadership and reform new paradigm II. 教育領導與改革新範式2。
- The inner city has long been a focus for concern and reform. 舊城區一直都是最受關注的熱點,也是改革的焦點。
- Welcome evaluation seriously, rectify and reform solidly, and strive to do foundation work well for the continuous development of the university 認真迎評,紮實整改切實打牢學校持續發展的基石
- I've got to go to the United States to make my fortune and reform. 我得去美國,去立業發跡,改造品行。
- The boy's first impulse was to be grateful, and reform. 這孩子的第一個衝動的念頭就是謝天謝地,準備改過自新。
- Taining Center of Hunan Development and Reform Commission. 湖南省發展和改革委員會培訓中心。
- Pluralistic cultural educational ideology and reform of school P.E. 多元文化教育理念與學校體育改革。
- Libyan Movement for Change and Reform: based in London. 利比亞變革運動:總部在倫敦。
- WTO and Reforms of Chinese Legal System II. 與中國法律改革2。
- We need to address electoral reform and reform of parliament. 我們需要處理選舉改革與議會改革的問題。