- the digital Jordan curve theorem 數字Jordan曲線定理
- He roughed in the curves he intended his pattern to take. 他粗略地勾出了他設想中圖案的曲線。
- The girl has as many curves as a scenic railway. 那女孩的曲線多如遊樂場里的小鐵路。
- It beats the Dutch how Jordan always makes a basket. 喬丹投籃百發百中,真令人叫絕。
- This road is full of sharp curves. 這條路有許多處急轉彎。
- A car that performs well on curves. 拐彎功能良好的汽車
- He's crazy about Michael Jordan. 他瘋狂喜愛邁克·喬丹。
- We tried to avoid the beds of reeds at the river curves. 我們試圖避開河彎處的蘆葦灘。
- Miss Jordan considered becoming a pharmacist. 喬丹女士想當一名藥劑師。
- So what's the overall value of the Jordan Effect? 所以,什麼是喬丹效應的總價值?
- Cy Jordan silenced the warning horn. 賽伊·喬丹關掉了報警喇叭。
- Robert Jordan watched the bend of the road. 羅伯特·喬丹注視著公路拐角。
- Having the curves of a full or voluptuous figure. 性感的具有豐滿或肉感的體形的曲線的
- Hot clear air force one and air jordan series! 炎熱和空氣明確約旦空軍一號系列!
- The thrust of his presentation was aimed at Jordan. 他發言攻擊的主要對象是約旦。
- This is our new products named air jordan 23. 這是我們的新產品命名為空氣約旦23。
- A curve or succession of curves, as in the hair. 捲曲捲曲或一系列捲曲,如頭髮
- The two curves begin to diverge. 兩條曲線開始分開。
- Yaser was an international student from Jordan. 亞瑟是來自約旦的外國留學生。
- Severe variations deform the discharge curves. 嚴重者使放電曲線發生畸變。