- The chart show the company's rapid growth in recent year. 圖表顯示了該公司近年來的迅速發展。
- Mm. this new year 's food looks delicious . 哦,這年夜飯令人垂涎欲滴。
- Next year' s budget has been agreed. 明年的預算已獲通過.
- Buy goods on the installment plan have become epidemic in recent year. 近幾年來,用分期付款的辦法購物十分流行。
- On New Year' s Day the streets look very gay. 元旦街上喜氣洋洋。
- This year' s wheat harvest was poor. 今年小麥收成不好.
- New Year' s Eve is the day before 1 January. 除夕是元旦的前一天。
- Her books have gone off in recent years. 近年來她寫的書質量下降了。
- The government's control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years. 近年來政府對報紙的控制已經變鬆了。
- There axe no Birds in last year s nest. 時過境遷,情況改變。
- Our foreign trade has expanded during recent years. 近年來我們的對外貿易有所增加。
- The criminals got ten year 's imprisonment. 這個罪犯被判10年徒刑。
- This year s festival will be celebrated on Feb. 25. 今年的慶典將在2月25日舉行。
- British shipping has decreased in recent years. 英國的船舶噸數近年來已經減少了。
- We have seen massive changes in recent years. 這幾年我們經歷了巨大的變化。
- Have fun spotting this year』s pranks! 樂趣發現今年的惡作劇!
- Sales of nylon have been below par in recent years. 近年來尼綸織的銷售額一直不及以往。
- In the first year 'S' will replace the soft 'C'. 頭一年,字母S將會替代掉發軟音的字母C。
- Sport has become much more commercialized in recent years. 體育運動近幾年更加商業化了。
- Mm. this new year 's food looks delicious. 我要買條最新鮮的魚,作為年夜飯的一道菜。