- Since public agencies can receive subsidies, considerations of profitability do not determine the difference between floor and ceiling prices. 由於公共機構可以得到補貼,所以最低價與最高價差額並不決定於賺取利潤的考慮。
- The recipient classes--yes, including farmers and businesspeople who receive subsidies--should be disenfranchised, and the vote restricted to taxpayers. 受惠階層,包括接受補助的農民和商販,都不應該享有投票權,只有納稅人才享有投票權。
- If the applicant is not currently receiving subsidies from any government departments, the applicant should deliver its application directly to the Board on or before the aforesaid date. 如申請機構之服務並無政府部門任何資助,申請機構可於該日期前把有關申請送交本會。
- I receive a letter from her in her neat script. 我收到她的字體很工整的來信。
- It is unpleasant to receive anonymous letters. 接到匿名信是一件令人不快的事。
- It's the old and the poor who suffer worst when subsidies are cut. 補助津貼一削減,最吃苦頭的就是那些老人和貧民。
- On average we receive five letters each day. 我們平均每天收到五封信。
- This industry depends for its survival on government subsidies. 這個行業靠政府津貼而得以維持。
- We receive several new typescripts a day. 我們一天收到幾份打出的文稿。
- Hard up families receive cash subsidies from the welfare funds. 經濟困難的家庭從福利基金中得到現金補貼。
- He is unworthy to receive such honor. 他不配得到這種榮譽。
- She is worthy to receive such honor. 她應該得到此榮譽。
- Ten runners-up will each receive a sweatshirt. 十位第二名將每人獲得一件運動衫。
- Both are offering subsidies to poorer people. 都為較為貧困的人提供補助。
- What men in industry provided the subsidies. 工業界有哪些人孝敬他。
- The crowd cheered as Jim went up to receive his prize. 吉姆上台領獎時,群眾發出了歡呼聲。
- We trust to receive a cheque at your earliest convenience. 我們希望早日收到你的支票。
- Farmers will lobby Congress for higher subsidies. 農民將遊說國會提高對農業的補貼。
- The soldier receive no staggering wind from any of the three shot. 三槍中的任何一槍都沒使這個士兵受到什麼驚人的槍傷。
- The committee split over government subsidies. 在政府補貼的問題上,委員會出現了相互對立的意見。