- Well, to make a long story short, the pol lost by a small margin. 長話短說,票開出來,這年邁政客居然小輸,遺恨總統夢未圓。
- De Gaulle pledged to leave office if the "no" won, and when it did by a small margin, he resigned the next day. 迪發誓說如果反對票占多數,他將下台。第二天反對票以微小的差距超過贊成票,高爾辭職。
- Export growth also slowed but by a smaller margin, notching a 21.1% increase. 出口增幅也出現下降,但降幅較小,當月增長了21.;1%25。
- The Conservatives got in by a small majority. 保守黨人以微弱多數當選。
- Most political observers say Obama remains favored to win Tuesday's primary in North Carolina, although perhaps by a smaller margin than had been anticipated just weeks ago. 大多數政治觀察員認為奧巴馬仍然很可能贏得周二北卡羅萊納州的初選,儘管可能是以及周前就預料到的更小的差距。
- A small distinguishing flag displayed by a yacht. 燕尾旗船上做號旗或標誌的小旗
- A small mark or puncture made by a pointed object. 刺痕被尖頭物弄出的記號或孔
- The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals. 這俱樂部被知識分子小集團把持著。
- Gallup polls taken since 1952 suggest that the candidate leading with around week to go is usually victorious, albeit by a smaller margin in actual votes. 從1952年就已開始的蓋洛普民調測驗提出,領先大約一周的競選人通常會獲勝,儘管實際勝出票數要(比民調)更少。
- His salary is augmented by a small inheritance. 一小筆遺產增加了他的收入。
- These sheep are looked after by a small girl. 這些羊由一個小女孩照看。
- He was secured from want by a small pension. 有了一小筆津貼,他就不會貧困了。
- A small ravine, especially one cut by a torrent. 沖溝,激流峽谷狹小深谷,尤指由激流沖刷而形成
- The tab can be broken off by a small screwdriver. 這個小護片可用一隻小起子扳掉。
- Its summit is crowned by a small shrine. 它的頂巔有座小廟。
- They came into the room preceded by a small dog. 一條小狗在前面,他們走進房間。
- He came into the room preceded by a small dog. 他走進房間,一隻小狗走在他前面。
- This machine is driven by a small electric motor. 這台機器是用一台小電機發動的。
- A small ravine,especially one cut by a torrent. 沖溝,激流峽谷狹小深谷,尤指由激流沖刷而形成
- A surprise attack by a small armed force. 突然襲擊,奇襲:由小股部隊進行的急襲。