- Yesterday, the market continued to back so that the current K-line portfolio into a very delicate moment, Straddle should be a key to enter the decisive stage. 昨天大盤繼續回調,讓目前的K線組合進入到一個相當微妙的時刻,多空應該是進入了關鍵決戰階段。
- Your explanation has made me reach the decision to watch the final. 你這番解釋使我拿定主要要看這場比賽了。
- She had to press through the throng to reach the stage. 她不得不穿過擁擠的人群走上舞台。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他這樣才能出眾的人終究會升到最上層的。
- Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard? 你能夠到櫃頂的那本書嗎?
- Boeing says it found problems in the process used to reach the decision. 波音公司表示他在以前的決定的過程中發現了問題。
- Slack up before you reach the crossroads. 駛近十字路口時要減低速度。
- Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights. 沿路前行直至有交通燈處。
- The enemy lost heavily in the decisive battle. 敵人在決戰中損失慘重。
- His work does not reach the standard required. 他的工作成績達不到要求。
- They are the decisive qualities. 這些都是決定性的素質。
- My feet can hardly reach the pedals. 我的腳怎麽也夠不著踏板。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 這個黨的核心成員決定一切。
- Fortunately the cut didn't reach the cuticle. 慶幸的是傷口沒有觸到角質層。
- A Discussion of the Main Direction for the State - owned Enterprises Reform at the Decisive Stage 論決勝階段的國企改革
- Schubert reach the acme of his skill while quite young. 舒伯特的技巧在他十分年輕時即已達頂峰。
- This was the decisive moment of a decisive battle! 這是決戰的最後五分鐘了!
- At the decisive meeting, he took the chair. 這次決定性的會議中,他主持會議。
- The fireman smashed the door down to reach the children. 消防員破門而入沖向孩子們。
- The decision depended on the toss of a coin. 那項決定是靠擲硬幣的方法做出的。