- The kidnapping occurred in broad daylight. 在光天化日之下竟發生綁架事件。
- More and more crimes are being committed in broad daylight. 現在在光天化日之下犯罪的事情越來越多。
- The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street. 在擁擠的街道上,光天化日之下竟發生了搶劫。
- They robbed the bank in broad daylight. 他們在青天白日搶劫銀行。
- They even committed such crimes in broad daylight. 他們竟敢在光天化日之下犯這種罪行。
- The old lady was attacked in broad daylight. 這位上了年紀的女士在光天化日之下遭到襲擊,卻沒有一個人幫助她。
- His automobile was held up in broad daylight. 他的汽車在光天化日之下遭到了搶劫。
- Why are you sleeping in broad daylight? 你怎麼在大白天睡覺啊?
- They robbedthe jewelry store in broad daylight. 他們在光天化日之下搶劫珠寶商店。
- They robbed the jewelry store in broad daylight. 他們在光天化日之下搶劫了那家珠寶店。
- They robbed him in broad daylight. 他們在光天化日之下搶劫他。
- The car was stolen in broad daylight. 那輛汽車大白天被人偷走了。
- He had the audacity to pick pockets in broad daylight. 他竟敢在光天化日之下掏包。
- She had been mugged in the street in broad daylight. 光天化日之下,她在街上遭到搶劫。
- The robbery occur in broad daylight, in a crowded street. 在擁擠的街道上,光天化日之下竟發生了搶劫。
- The robbery occur in broad daylight,in a crowded street. 在擁擠的街道上,光天化日之下竟發生了搶劫。
- He had the audacityto pick pockets in broad daylight. 他竟敢在光天化日之下掏包。
- He was robbed in broad daylight, in a crowded street. 他在光天化日之下被搶劫了,就在一條熙熙攘攘的街道上。
- The thieves waltzed off with a computer in broad daylight. 小偷居然在光天化日之下輕而易舉地偷走了一台計算機。
- Many people have been mugged down in broad daylight, including me. 這裡即便是大白天也會有搶劫發生,很多人都遭遇過了,其中也包括我在內。