- It is rare to see snow in summer. 夏天難得見到雪。
- It has been really rare to see migrant birds here. 現在在這裡看到候鳥已經很不容易了。
- It is rare to see a man over 160 years old. 很少見到一個人能活到160歲。
- Exactly.It is really rare to see an image of Pan Gu on Chinese islands. 沒錯兒。這可是中國很少見的海上盤古造像呢。
- Chatot: It's rare to see a kid like this want to apprentice at the guild. 音符鸚鵡:這樣的小傢伙想來行會實習,還真罕見啊。
- These days, it is rare to see Walton make a good play, a good pass, or even a basket. 這些天很少看到沃頓打得好,一個好的傳球或者甚至一個好的投籃都很少。
- Many industry celebrities to see that the "Zhen Bao" have praise is rare to see a good dog. 好多業內知名養獒人到富佳來看「珍寶」,紛紛讚美說是難得一見的好獒。
- It is rare to find such a genius nowadays. 這樣的天才現在很少見。
- It's just rare to see this much outside the WWE. Now to see how much longer this show has left. 我們在WWE外很少看到這些。不知道這將風格還能持續很久才會消失。
- It is not rare to see interference in other countries' internal affairs under all sorts of pretexts. 以各種借口干涉別國內政的事情屢見不鮮。
- It』s rare to see on a hand, but those with simian lines are usually loners who have difficulties understanding others. 所謂學而不思則怠,有機的將「學」的東西結合到「思」上面去才能真正將國家領向更好的路子上去。
- Most of her students wear headscarves, although it is rare to see women wearing the Islamic headdress in the area. 她的學生大多穿著頭巾;雖然這是難得看到伊斯蘭婦女戴頭巾的情況.
- It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal. 見到一隻畸形動物常常會使人感到不快。
- Eclipses are often the harbingers of enormous change, and it is rare to see three arrive in a row, two weeks apart. 日/月蝕常常預示著重大的轉變,而且在僅僅隔了兩周看到三次是非常罕見的。
- It is rare to see something that is ornamented, something like the 『Green Flower Porcelain Vase 『from ECS. 實在很少有比較特殊裝飾的成品,像之前所介紹 ECS的蟠龍花瓶 。
- She is raring to try out her new skates. 她很想試試她那雙新溜冰鞋。
- Now I begin to see light on their good intentions. 現在我對他們的良好動機開始有所領會了。
- Efren Reyes is known for his 8 ball pool skills and crowned as the 「Magician」. Its rare to see him playing 8 ball on videos. 免費九號球撞球視頻和學習撞球,學習九號球,楊清順對吳珈慶,撞球錄影,撞球比賽,楊清順對吳珈慶,九號撞球視頻
- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球運動員,你應該看他踢球。
- I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off. 我使勁擦這個污跡,看能不能將它去掉。