A new type of solder was fabricated by adding microelements into tin-bismuth series solder and then being rapid cooled.The microstructure and properties were investigated. 摘要在錫鉍系焊料中加入微量元素,通過快速冷卻製成新的焊料,並對其組織與性能進行了研究。
These two constituents form a eutectoid structure known as pearlite when the steel is cooled slowly enough to reach equilibrium, but by rapid cooling the steel is hardened. 當鋼材冷卻得足夠緩慢而達到平衡狀態時,這兩種結構會形成一種共析結構,稱為珠光體,但如果快速冷卻,鋼材將被硬化。