- Owing to lack of funds, the scheme fell through. 由於缺少資金,這項計劃失敗了。
- The project was hamstrung by lack of funds. 這個計劃因缺乏資金而難以實現。
- He always bemoans the shortage of funds for research. 他總是嘆息研究經費不足。
- The management system of social insurance fund is the core of social insurance system in which The raise of fund is key and first section. 社會保險基金管理制度是社會保險制度的核心,而基金的籌集制度又是社會保險基金管理制度的首要環節。
- On the subject of funds, you may consult with Mr White. 關於資金問題,你可以與懷特先生商量。
- The amount of funds reserved to meet liabilities. 儲備金額為預防不測而存留的資金數額
- The proposal is all right in itself, but we are short of fund now. 這個提案本身很好,可我們目前缺少資金。
- The emperor sanctioned the raising of taxes. 國王批准提高稅率。
- Lack of fund can be a drawback if you wanted to invest in a sure thing. 如果你要對確有把握的事投資,資金短缺會是個障礙。
- The project was abandoned for want of funds. 這個計劃因為缺少資金而作罷。
- The strikers cried for a raise of pay. 罷工的人要求提高工資。
- The project had hung fire for several years because of lack of funds. 這個項目由於缺少資金而推遲了許多年。
- The business is at a standstill for want of funds. 因資金匱乏,生意陷於停頓。
- The walk is in the raising of the foot as in the laying of it down. 舉足是走路,正如落足也是走路。
- The point is that we are short of funds. 問題是我們短缺資金。
- The basic reason is the raising of Lazarus from the dead. 這基本的原因是拉匝祿從死者中復活。
- A lack of funds brought the undertaking to grief. 事業因資金不足而失敗。
- A raising of the land resulting from volcanic activity. 火山活動導致的陸地上升。
- We knew they stood in need of funds. 我們知道他們缺乏資金。
- The supplying of funds or capital. 資金,資本資金或資本的提供