- He is going to go out and raise hob. 他今晚要出去縱情狂歡了。
- Several companies gang up to raise prices. 幾家大公司串通一氣抬高物價。
- Father said he'd raise the wind somehow. 父親說他將設法弄到所需要的錢。
- Reckon I can ask for a pay raise? 你看我可以要求增加工資嗎?
- The strikers cried for a raise of pay. 罷工的人要求提高工資。
- He was so weak from hunger he could hardly raise his meagre arms. 他餓得虛弱無力,連骨瘦如柴的胳膊都舉不起來。
- Raise your hands up straight so that I can count. 請將手舉直,以便我好清點人數。
- I'll tackle the boss for a raise. 我將與老闆交涉要求增加薪水。
- The pay raise will be offset by inflation. 增加的工資會被通貨膨脹所抵銷。
- I pocketed my pride and asked for a raise. 我壓抑我的自尊心要求加薪
- The dog stayed home to whelp and raise her puppies. 這條狗待在家裡生了小狗並把它們養大。
- I am going to ask the boss for a raise. 我要找老闆要求加薪。
- He had the impertinence to demand a raise. 他竟冒失地要求增加工資。
- Who is foremost in line for a promotion raise? 誰晉級加薪排在最前面?
- Please raise your head and look at the blackboard. 請抬起頭來,看黑板。
- A device used to raise the nap on a fabric. 起毛機一種用於使纖維起絨毛裝置
- Desert vt followed the dictates of my conscience. 接受我的良心的支配。
- To mutter in discontent guarantee vt. 怨言,滿腹牢騷。
- Bother disturb trouble annoy interrupt disturb vt. 打擾,妨礙,指使人不能安靜或妨礙他人工作擾亂,主語是人或事物。
- Put across: cause to be understood Vt. 解釋清楚,使被理解。