- Take judicial proceedings against sb. 提出訴訟控告某人
- Lao Wang' s remark burned the student up. 老王的話使那個學生生氣了。
- Bring a slander action against sb. 以誹謗罪控告某人。
- Frame-up; frame a case against sb. 捏造罪狀以陷害他人。
- Beg pardon, I don』t catch the Chairman』s remark. 對不起請再說一遍,我沒聽清楚主席的話。
- He flung out in a rage against the whole human race. 他憤怒地咒罵全人類。
- Lay a charge of sth. against sb. 指控某人犯。。。罪
- Bring judicial proceedings against sb. 提出訴訟控告某人
- Rage Against The Machine ---- Live At The Grand Olympic Auditorium. 憤怒機器。美國著名說唱金屬樂隊現場演唱會。
- The sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks. 暴怒的大海大翻了一切。
- Downer 's remark has been the most fiecely worded so far among those from all the US allies that support the pre-emptive strikes against Iraq. 唐納的這項發言是目前為止所有支持對伊拉克展開先發制人攻擊的美國盟邦中,最強烈的言詞。
- Because he has something on the boss, the boss does not rage against him. 因為他手裡抓著老闆的把柄,所以老闆不向他發火。
- He pretended to understand the full implications of his teacher 's remark. 他假裝理解了老師話的全部含意。
- So that you vent your rage against God and pour out such words from your mouth? 使你的靈反對神,也任你的口發這言語。
- But I know where you stay and when you come and go and how you rage against me. 你坐下,你出去,你進來,你向我發烈怒,我都知道。
- What I want to point out is the row that was caused by Jens Lehmann\'s remarks about who should play for Germany. 我想指出的是萊曼關於誰該為德國隊守門的言論所引發的爭吵。
- Later, however, the government issued a clarification, insisting that Mr.Wei』s remarks were flubbed by his translator. 但是,後來政府進行了澄清,強調魏先生的講話被他的翻譯誤翻了。
- He raged against the injustice of it all. 這一切不公正使他大發怒火。
- M. used B.'s remarks to raise questions about B.O.'s experience and his readiness to handle foreign policy challenges as president. 利用B.;的言論對B
- Who's appearing for the Crown(= bringing a criminal charge against sb on behalf of the state)in this case? 誰將在此案中代錶王國政府出庭?