First phase syphilis, also weigh hard chancre, because the surface is erosion face, reason infectivity is very strong. 一期梅毒,也稱硬下疳,由於表面是糜爛面,故傳染性很強。
The 3rd period syphilis can produce syphilis tumor or gummy swollen, palate syphilis tumour can produce soft strong organization to punch on. 第三期梅毒可發生梅毒瘤或樹膠腫,上齶梅毒瘤可發生軟硬組織穿孔。
First phase syphilis, also weigh hard chancre, because the surface is erosion face, reason infectivity is very strong. 一期梅毒,也稱硬下疳,由於表面是糜爛面,故傳染性很強。
The 3rd period syphilis can produce syphilis tumor or gummy swollen, palate syphilis tumour can produce soft strong organization to punch on. 第三期梅毒可發生梅毒瘤或樹膠腫,上齶梅毒瘤可發生軟硬組織穿孔。