- We have the Habeas Corpus Act and we respect it. 我們有人身保護法案,而且我們尊重它。
- But on the force of your reasoning, habeas corpus extend that? 但你申訴的強制力,要求人身保護令延長?
- Trial by jury and the law of habeas corpus were practically suspended. 陪審團審訊和人身保護法實際上都已廢除。
- Another action that he took was to suspend the right of habeas corpus. 林肯總統所採取的另一行動是暫緩執行人身保護權令。
- A party detained without any warrant must sue out his habeas corpus at common law. 受到無理拘留的一方需根據習慣法向法院要求人身保護。
- He commanded those powerful armies till then assembled in modern warfare, he enforced conscription of soldiers for the first time in American history and under imperative necessity he abolished the rights of Habeas Corpus. 他命令強大的軍隊集結投入現代戰爭,他在美國歷史上首次厲行徵兵制度,在緊急形勢的要求下,他廢除了人身保護令所賦予的權力。
- During the Civil War, writs of habeas corpus were ignored, and civil trials gave way to military trials. 南北戰爭時期,人身保護法遭到踐踏,民事審判被軍事審訊所代替。
- In the name of liberty, mob violence was encouraged, habeas corpus was abolished, and the guillotine was set up! 在自由的名義下,人民暴力(可能類似於文革)獲得了追捧,人身保護權無影無蹤了,而斷頭台也開始磨刀霍霍了。
- Currently it is imperative to construct the system of Habeas Corpus in our country. 當前,我國構建人身保護令制度有其必要性。
- Habeas Corpus is defendant's basic criminal Procedural right of appeal in the federal system in America. 美國聯邦法院人身保護是對州法院刑事被告提供的基本性申訴權利。
- "Due process" principle plus "habeas corpus" right must be part of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics. 正當的法律程序以及人身保護令必須是中式法治的必要組成部分。
- System of writ of habeas corpus is a useful remedy's system for personal tights of citizens. 摘要人身保護令保護公民人身自由權利的司法救濟制度。
- The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended,unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. 不得中止人身保護令所保障的特權,惟在叛亂或受到侵犯的情況下,出於公共安全的必要時不在此限。
- We're also gonna lead in upholding human rights and civil rights, and that's why it's right that we restore habeas corpus and we close Guantanamo. 我們也將在堅持人權和民權方面領先,而那就是為什麼恢復人身保護權和關閉關塔那摩是正確的。
- Their lawyers are expected to lodge habeas corpus petitions with federal courts as a matter of urgency, demanding their release. 犯人的律師正期望作為緊急事項向聯邦法院提出人身保護請願,要求將他們釋放。
- The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. 根據人身保護令享有的特權,除非在發生叛亂或入侵,公共治安需要終止此項特權時,不得終止。
- This is a severe contravention of the writ of habeas corpus and a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law. 同時,在法庭證明其罪行成立前,任何被告應被無罪推定,這也是基本的法理原則!
- It seems pretty generally understood that this should go to juries, habeas corpus, standing armies, printing, religion and monopolies. 對於法案形成共識的內容有:陪審團,免受非法迫害,常設軍隊,出版,宗教和壟斷。
- Latin is used as the language of the law court for century,and its use still exist in many common legal phrases,such as habeas corpus,in flagrante delicto,de jure and de facto. 拉丁語被用來作為法院的語言已有許多世紀。現在這種用法在許多法律短語中還存在,如「人身保護令狀」,在「在犯罪當場」或「就在作案時」,「法律上」和「事實上」。
- In case of arbitrary or unlawful detention or imprisonment, Macao residents have the right to apply to the court for the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus. 對任意或非法的拘留、監禁,居民有權向法院申請頒發人身保護令。