quantum optics的用法和樣例:
- Quantum optics is a subject on the coherence properties of radiation field, quantum statistical properties and quantum characters of light interacting with matter.
量子光學是研究光場的相干性和量子統計特性以及光與物質相互作用的量子特徵的學科。 - Application of dynamical symmetry theory and algebraic dynamics in man-made quantum systems and quantum optical systems has been introduced in this review.
quantum optics的相關資料:
quantum vis
quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance
quantum wire infrared photodetector
quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets
Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization
quantum drift-diffusion equations
quantum-mechanical memory circuit
Quantum Cryptography One-password
Quantum well infrared photodetector
quantum-mechanical memory machine
quantum phase-space representation