- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位藥商進了一大批藥品。
- I want to put in a claim for damages. 我想提出賠償損失的要求。
- The eggs need to be put in a warm place to hatch. 雞蛋需要放置到一個溫暖的地方進行孵化。
- His uncle put in a good word for him at City Hall. 他的叔叔在市政府為他美言。
- You can put in a claim for the broken furniture. 你可以就損壞的傢俱提出賠償要求。
- Each of the two sides will put in a certain portion of the capital and share profits or losses in proportion to their respective contributions. 我們雙方各投入一定份額的資金,並按投資比例分享收益和分擔虧損。
- He put in a claim for $500 damages. 他提出一項五百美元賠償的要求。
- Have they put in a bid for the contract? 他們有沒有投標爭取承包合同?
- Ad business but more or less the circumference that will put in bit of demarcate to be nodded in a certain ground is apart from in. 廣告商可將投放點限定在某個地點的方圓多少距離之內。
- Could I put in a word (ie say sth) at this point? 我現在說幾句行嗎?
- His superior put in a word for him justly and he got the job. 他的上級為他說了句公正的話,他得到了那份工作。
- She was put in a fluster by the unexpected guests. 不速之客的到來弄得她很慌張。
- Turn the face in a certain direction. 把臉轉向某特定的方向。
- See fit or proper to act in a certain way. 判斷怎樣行事才算合適。
- There is always a certain slope in a ship's deck. 船的甲板總有幾分傾斜。
- It can be passed all round the organization delivers pectoral wall, be like will stethoscopic put in pectoral wall certain place, can hear. 它可通過四周組織傳遞到胸壁,如將聽診器放在胸壁某些部位,就可以聽到。
- A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area. 商品經銷特許權在某一區域內出售某特定商品的特許權
- He promised to put in a good word for them. 他答應答他們說幾句好話。
- They like things done in a certain manner. 他們喜歡做的事情,在某地進行。
- Pat picked some flowers to put in a vase. 帕特摘了一些花放到了花瓶里。