He acted as if he were an old tool pusher. 他的舉動好象是個老技師。
The pusher heaters are widely used in the wire and rod mills because of their less investment and improved heating quality. 由於推鋼式加熱爐的投資少而且加熱質量較高,因此在型鋼和棒材項目中應用比較多。
The neighbourhood pusher got Joe a fix. 鄰里的不法商販給喬打了一針毒品。
The notorious drug- pusher has been contriving an escape from the prison. 這個臭名昭著的大毒梟一 直都在圖謀越獄。
Never put your fingers or other objects into the feeding tube when the juicer is in operation, but only the pusher. 榨汁機運行中,切勿將收自或其他物體伸入加料管。只有推桿可伸入加料管。