- The observed cosmic energy density is about 10-9 joule per cubic meter, so the universe contains 1072 joules of energy. 由於觀測到的宇宙能量密度約為每立方公尺10-9焦耳,所以宇宙所含能量為1072焦耳。
- It swells and opens, allowing the astral body to float free, while it absorbs some kind of energy (cosmic energy?) from the universe. 當它從宇宙吸收某種能量(宇宙能量?)時,它擴張並開放,允許星體軀體自由飄浮。
- "Our results with simple, well-understood shapes give proof of concept that the geometry of hidden dimensions can be deciphered from the pattern of cosmic energy," he says. 「我們利用簡單易懂的幾何形態得出的結果證明了這樣一種概念:通過解讀宇宙能的樣式,我們可以破譯隱藏的額外維度空間的幾何形態。
- A new study demonstrates that the shapes of extra dimensions can be "seen" by deciphering their influence on cosmic energy released by the violent birth of the universe 13 billion years ago. 通過「及時追溯」宇宙大爆炸后的瞬間狀況,美國威斯康星-麥迪遜大學物理學家設計出一種方法可以幫助解開宇宙混沌中所隱藏的額外維度形態。
- Their results show that specific patterns of cosmic energy can hold clues to the geometry of the six-dimensional shape - the first type of observable data to demonstrate such promise, says Tye. 他們的結果表明宇宙能的特殊式樣可能掌握著6維形態幾何學的線索。亨利.;泰說,這是第一種展示出這種前景的可觀察數據。
- They are objects of desire and also carriers of the cosmic energies that continually fertilize our human sphere. 它們是希望的目標,也是宇宙能量的攜帶者,不斷地豐富我們人類的領域。
- In time they developed the ability to manipulate and control the Well's cosmic energies. 但是收到伊利丹警告的艾薩拉女王對此早有防備,瑪法里奧的夥伴幾乎全都被女王殺死。
- Master Lee used various arrangements of lines, colors, and other artistic factors to express cosmic energies in his work. 李導師運用線條、顏色的各種各樣的安排,以及其他藝術性的要素,在他的作品里表達宇宙的能量。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸運,我們打電話時他在家裡。
- We speak in strange terms: of harnessing the cosmic energy; 我們說話多了一些新奇的詞語:利用宇宙能量;
- I'm pure, so I'm more in touch with cosmic forces. 因為我純潔,所以我能更好的接觸宇宙的力量。
- We speak in strange terms: of harnessing the cosmic energy 我們說話多了一些新奇的詞語:利用宇宙能量
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一顆赤子之心。
- Physics is governed by cosmic laws. 物理學受宇宙法則的制約。
- We must not condemn her on pure supposition. 我們不能單憑猜測就譴責她。
- Don't believe what he's saying it's pure bunkum. 別相信他的話--純粹是胡說八道。
- A long hot bath can be pure luxury. 洗個痛快的熱水澡可真是一種至高的享受。
- The fields were all covered with pure white snow. 白雪皚皚,鋪滿田野。
- The condition or quality of being pure or chaste. 純潔純潔或貞潔的狀況或者品質
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某種形態的能量改變成另一形態的能量是可能的。