The procedure by which a public official may be removed from office by popular vote. 罷免一種程序,即通過公民投票將某個官員從職位上撤退
A writ issued by a superior court ordering a public official or body or a lower court to perform a specified duty. 書面訓令高級法院指令某官員或機構或某下級法院去履行某項特定義務的書面文件
British financier and public official who concluded the treaty between Great Britain and the United States that defined the border between Canada and Maine(1842). 巴林,亞歷山大1774-1848英國金融家和國家官員,參加了英國同美國的談判並簽訂了確定加拿大與緬因邊界的條約(1842年)