- The society was maintained out of public moneys. 該會社是用公款維持的。
- He was charged with pocketing public monies. 他被指控侵吞公款。
- He rapped the government on the knuckles for wasting the public money. 他尖刻地抨擊政府浪費公款。
- The accountant began to peculate the public money. 會計開始侵吞公款。
- That bad egg flew off with public money. 那個壞蛋帶著公款逃走了。
- Most of the public money went to maintaining roads. 大部分的公款都使用在維修道路上了。
- Case study on crimes of embezzling public money II. 挪用公款罪判解研究2。
- They accused him of have peculate the public money. 他們控他侵吞公款。
- Free spending of public money is not to be tolerated. 決不能容忍濫用公款的現象。
- One reason is the misdirection of public money. 公款的不當運用是原因之一。
- He was found to have helped himself to public money. 他被發現挪用公款。
- The waste of public money on the project was criticized. 在這個項目上浪費公帑遭到批評。
- The waste of public money on the project is criticized. 在這個項目上浪費公帑遭到批評。
- He rappedthe government over the knuckles for wasting public money. 他譴責政府浪費公款。
- Public money is like holy water,and everyone helps himself to it. 公款如聖水,人人都要嘗一嘴。
- Women's groups are lobbying to get more public money for children. 婦女組織在對政府進行遊說,要求增加對兒童的撥款。
- The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money. 這項工程被斥責為揮霍公款,令人憤慨。
- Zhaozhuren really is not taken public money and heartache. 趙主任果然是拿了公家的錢不心疼。
- He expent a large amount of public money on self consumption. 他將大筆的公款花在了個人消費上。
- Public money can be only used in legitimate purposes. 公款只能用於合法的用途上。