- An interval in a frequency distribution. 組,類頻數分佈的一個周期
- The number of measurements in an interval of a frequency distribution. 頻率分佈一次頻率分佈的區間內計算的數量
- The frequency distribution of VDR genotype was bb86 0%,Bb10 0% and BB4 0%. VDR基因型分佈頻率為BB型 4 0%25 ,Bb型 10 0%25 ,bb型 86 0%25 ;
- The difference or interval between the smallest and largest values in a frequency distribution. 極差頻率分佈上最大值與最小值之間的差別或距離
- A frequency distribution shows the number of observations from the data set that fall into each of the classes. 頻率分佈反映出落入每一組的觀察值個數。
- One way we can compress data is to use a frequency table or a frequency distribution. 壓縮資料的一種有效方法是編製頻率表或頻率分佈。
- Such classes are separated by 'natural breaks'in the frequency distribution or the analogous cumulative curve. 這樣的級可由頻率分佈或類似的累積曲線中的自然斷點劃分開來。
- Such classes are separated by "natural breaks" in the frequency distribution or the analogous cumulative curve. 這樣的級可由頻率分佈或類似的累積曲線中的自然斷點劃分開來。
- A cumulative frequency distribution enables us to see how many observations lie above or below certain values. 累計頻率分佈反映在某個值以下,或在某個值以上有多少個觀察值。
- The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to compute the mean and standard deviation from a grouped frequency distribution. 西格瑪黑帶應能從一組頻次分佈數據計算出均值和標準偏差。
- Curve A might represent the frequency distribution of the number of days' supply on hand in the perishable grocery business. 曲線A可用以刻畫食品商人手中易霉貨物儲備天數的頻率分佈。
- The portion of a frequency distribution containing one fifth of the total sample. 五分位數頻數分佈中,含有總抽樣量的五分之一的部分
- The frequency distribution of characteristic value of the male cones and pollen is abnomal. 杉木雄球花及花粉特徵值頻率分佈為偏態分佈。
- Another way of presenting these data is by a histogram or frequency distribution. 另一種展示這些數據的方法是通過直方圖或者頻率分佈。
- DBH frequency distribution for all four forest types showed a typical reversed J shape, suggesting the forests in Mt. 而樹高分佈主要以雙峰分佈和近似對稱分佈為主;
- Chinese academia mainly used aggregate accruals models and frequency distribution approach to study the issue of earnings management. 國內目前主要運用總體應計模型和頻率分佈方法進行盈餘管理研究。
- Compared with the frequency distribution of Est and GSTs activity, it was found that more and more individuals possessed higher activity. 比較兩個品系酯酶與谷胱甘肽S 轉移酶活性個體頻率分佈發現,抗性品系的桃蚜有更多的個體向酶活性高的區域分佈。
- This apparent interest of his in modern music is completely pseudo. 他對現代音樂顯露出的雅興純屬自欺欺人。
- Taking Time Frequency Distribution (TFD) of the radar signal as an image, the method uses image processing algorithm for extracting its singular value. 該方法把雷達信號的時頻分佈作為一幅圖像進行處理,利用圖像處理演算法提取其奇異值特徵。
- On clear days, larger differences were observed in the diurnal variation and frequency distribution of the understory PAR. 典型晴天時林下5個探頭的PAR值在時間和大小分佈上有較大差異。