- The pulp and paper industry uses oxygen as a bleaching and oxidizing agent. 紙漿和造紙工業使用氧作為漂白劑和氧化劑。
- In liquid mixtures tetranitromethane may be used as an oxidizing agent. 四硝基甲烷可用做液態混合物中的氧化劑。
- A substance that oxidizes another substance; an oxidizing agent. 氧化劑氧化另一物質的一種物質;一種氧化劑
- Alkanes are resistant to attack by oxidizing agents generally. 烷烴一般對於氧化劑的作用是穩定的。
- A substance that oxidizes another substance;an oxidizing agent. 氧化劑氧化另一物質的一種物質;
- In this article,the synthesis of p-tert-butylbenzoic acid by using nitric acid as the oxidizing agent was introduced. 報道了以硝酸為氧化劑,把對叔丁基甲苯氧化成對叔丁基苯甲酸的新方法。
- This shows that Vanadium pentoxide may only rarely be applicable as sole oxidizing agent. 這表明五氧化釩能單一用作氧化劑是很少的。
- Avoid contact with acids, bases or oxidizing agents. 避免接觸酸類、強氧化性介質。
- To develop this protective oxide, a minimum of 12% chromium is required. 為了形成這種保護性的氧化物,需要有至少12%25的鉻。
- USES(用途):It acts oxidizing agent and bleaching agent It is also used as polymerizatlon promoter of emulsion and battery depolarier. 可作氧化劑和漂白劑,又可用作乳化聚合反應之促進劑和電池去極劑。
- Because the anti- oxidizing agent joins to make the Han ordered shining, embellish beauty, be applicable to PCB wave crest Han and heat to immerse Han. 由於抗氧化劑的加入使焊點光亮,潤色美觀,適用於PCB的波峰焊和熱浸焊。
- A poisonous brown gas, NO2, often found in smog and automobile exhaust fumes and synthesized for use as a nitrating agent, a catalyst, and an oxidizing agent. 二氧化氮:一種有毒的紅棕色氣體,NO2,常在煙霧和汽車排放的氣體中發現,被合成用來作硝化劑、催化劑以及氧化劑
- The expansible graphite with high expanded volume was prepared in mixed acids solution with potassium permanganate as oxidizing agent and ferric trichloride as inserting agent. 研究了一種以天然石墨和硫酸、硝酸的混酸為原料,高錳酸鉀為氧化劑,三氯化鐵為插入劑製備高膨脹容積可膨脹石墨的新方法。
- Any of the salts of permanganic acid,all of which are strong oxidizing agents. 高錳酸鹽任一種高錳酸類鹽,它們都是強有力的氧化劑。
- Any of the salts of permanganic acid, all of which are strong oxidizing agents. 高錳酸鹽任一種高錳酸類鹽,它們都是強有力的氧化劑
- This can be done without using liquid acid,bleaches or oxidizing agents . 它能夠免去使用前置液、漂白劑和氧化劑。
- The COD of water sampling may have different results varying from kinds and concentrations of oxidizing agent,acidity of reaction solution,reaction temperature and time and if there are catalysts. 水樣的化學需氧量,可由於加入氧化劑的種類及濃度,反應溶液的酸度,反應溫度和時間,以及催化劑的有無而獲得不同的結果。
- The COD of water sampling may have different results varying from kinds and concentrations of oxidizing agent, acidity of reaction solution, reaction temperature and time and if there are catalysts. 摘要水樣的化學需氧量,可由於加入氧化劑的種類及濃度,反應溶液的酸度,反應溫度和時間,以及催化劑的有無而獲得不同的結果。
- A mother naturally feels protective towards her children. 母親對自己的孩子自然會悉心保護。
- In the serum bottle fermentation,potassium ferricyanide and dithiothreitol which did not have inhibition on fermentation,were selected as the oxidizing agent and reducing agent respectively. 在血清瓶發酵培養過程中,篩選出對發酵過程無抑制作用的氧化劑鐵氰化鉀和還原劑二硫蘇糖醇作為發酵體系的氧化還原電位調節劑。