- A smock worn to protect one's clothing from dust. 防塵衣一種防塵保護衣服的罩衫
- The boy' s eyes rounded with excitement. 男孩興奮得眼睛睜得圓圓的。
- The cat' s eyes were gleaming in the dark. 貓的眼睛在黑暗中閃閃發光。
- Crow does not pick crow 's eyes . 同室不操戈;同類不相殘。
- The child' s eyes rounded with excitement. 孩子因興奮眼睛睜得圓圓的。
- Your sister Jane didn't recognize me at first. Protect one's eyes from the burning sun. 保護眼睛免受烈日的傷害。
- Crow does not pick crow 's eyes. 同室不操戈;同類不相殘。
- This attitude dictates that in order to protect one' s reputation, one does not mention the problems of a company. 這種態度導致人們為了保住個人聲譽,而迴避公司問題的行為。
- Naida』s eyes glittered.Then she pouted. 奈妲的眼睛閃了閃,隨之撅起嘴。
- The boy』s eyes widen: he quickly leaves the room. 男孩的眼睛弄寬: 他很快地留下房間。
- Tom is the apple of his mother' s eye. 湯姆是他母親的寶貝。
- External threats must be considered to protect one's reputation form harm. 必須考慮外在威脅以保護名譽免受破壞。
- The princess is a big apple of this king 's eye. 公主是這位國王的掌上明珠。
- The way that officials stick up for and protect one another has got to stop. 這種官官相護的情況必須制止。
- It has the ability to motivate and inspire people as the burning passion can be seen in one』s eyes, leave alone work. 這個演講表達了黑人和白人團結起來的願望。馬丁擁有夢想,并力排眾議。
- Puck puts the liquid on the men』s eyes, and they both end up falling in love with one of the women. 帕克將魔液點在兩個男子的眼睛上,結果他們倆都同時愛上了其中一個女孩。
- Reynold s eyes, and I saw a tear slowly sliding down his cheek. 我看到一顆淚珠正緩緩地從他的面頰上滾下來。
- All revolutions hitherto have been revolutions to protect one kind of property against another kind of property. 迄今的一切革命,都是為了保護一種所有制以反對另一種所有制的革命。
- Loch』s eyes widened and he opened his mouth, speechless. 盧克的眼睛圓睜,嘴巴也大張著,說不出話來。
- Like the leader in a sailboat race, one must not let the second boat split tacks but cover it to protect one's lead. 就象帆船比賽中的領先者那樣,他決不能讓第二條船奪路搶先,而必須壓住它,以保護自己的領先地位。