- Newspaper reports are often flavoured with sex and violence. 新聞報導經常以添加一些色情與暴力來增加趣味性。
- Yes ,they are full of sex and violence . 是的,它們充滿了性和暴力。
- There's a lot of sex and violence in this film. 這部影片中有許多色情和暴力的情節。
- Is there too much sex and violence on TV? 電視上有太多的色情和暴力嗎?
- Yes , they are full of sex and violence . 是的,它們充滿了性和暴力。
- Yes , they are full of sex and violence. 是的,它們充滿了性和暴力。
- All sex and violence were cut from the picture before it was shown. 上映之前,影片中所有關於性與暴力的鏡頭都經過了剪輯。
- Sex and violence seem to be the staple diet of television drama. 性和暴力好像是電視劇離不開的內容。
- I agree. People often criticize TV for showing too much sex and violence. 我也這麼認為.;人們總是批評電視色情和暴力內容太多
- He claimed that sex and violence on TV led to the corruption of young people. 他斷言電視中所宣揚的色情與暴力誘使青少年墮落。
- It is not simple moral perversity that keeps sex and violence on the air. 性和暴力的節目廣為傳播,這不單純是道德淪喪。
- I feel the sensationalism of sex and violence in the newspaper has bad effects on society. 我覺得報紙渲染色情與暴力,對社會會有不良的影響。
- IN A country awash with pirated films featuring explicit sex and violence, China's prudish censors risk irrelevance. 在中國,到處充斥著盜版黃色暴力電影,那一本正經的審查制度是不太恰當的。
- Television networks have been toning down the amount of sex and violence in their programming. 電視網已經降低節目中色情及暴力的比例。
- With TV programmes filled with scenes of sex and violence,mothers are actually fighting a losing battle trying to bring up children in a decent way. 電視節目充斥著性與暴力鏡頭,母親們試圖把孩子教育成正派規矩之人的努力實際上是不會有成效的。
- With TV programmes filled with scenes of sex and violence, mothers are actually fighting a losing battle trying to bring up children in a decent way. 電視節目充斥著性與暴力鏡頭,母親們試圖把孩子教育成正派規矩之人的努力實際上是不會有成效的。
- Callenbach said. 「Some said it didn't have enough sex and violence, or that they couldn't tell if it were a novel or a tract. 有些出版社說,書里的性與暴力情節不夠多,或他們看不出這是小說還是宣傳小冊子。
- In fact, his disobeying game rules sets a bad example for young people, and his abandoned behavior encourages people to experiment with sex and violence. 人們花費很多業餘時間踢足球、打籃球、網球、做許多其他運動。這些人運動是因為他們想要運動。
- Full of or characterized by bloodshed and violence. 血腥的充滿流血或暴力的或以此為特徵的
- Preoccupied with sex and sexual desire; lustful. 放蕩的,淫蕩的性方面放蕩的和充滿色情慾望的; 貪慾的