- BRYSON: Then you do the proof reading . . . 然後你做規定的閱讀。
- AMINA: Proof reading . . . uh-huh. When by, do you think? 規定的閱讀。你認為什麼時候?
- Delete: To take out letter ,figure,word or passage .In proof reading ,a symbol is used as the proofreader's mark . 刪除:把字母,數字,詞句或段落刪去。校對時,用「刪除符號」作標記。
- Susan is also an English specialist with CCTV9, much of their time is devoted to proof reading and dubbing of news stories. 蘇珊也是中央電視台第9套節目的英語專家,他們的工作主要是校稿和配音。
- Dolores transcribes most of Howard's hand written notes, and helps to edit and proof read them. 德洛麗絲抄錄大多霍華德的手書面筆記,並且幫助編輯,並且證明讀他們。
- Apart from being the best companion anyone could ever hope for, her no-nonsense proof reading stopped me drifting down many narrative cul-de sacs. 她是一位難得的最佳伴侶;除此之外,她嚴肅認真的校閱,避免了我在講故事的時候陷入許多死胡同。
- Wrong fount (w.f.): An error in typesetting in which an incorrect type-fount has been used in setting. It is a common practice to use its abbreviation for proof reading. 用錯字體:排字時;錯用另一款字體的情況.;校對時;常用它的英文縮寫作標誌。
- This criticism apart, Mandel offers a timely, readable, and wide-ranging review of recent economic history. The book is printed well and without proof reading blemishes. 曼德爾,除了這些責難之外,對當前的經濟史,還給出了一個及時的、可讀的、更加廣泛的觀點。書印得很好,而且,沒有校對的瑕疵。
- Final paper,8-10 pages double spaced. All papers must be typed, double spaced, in12- point font size. Use APA standard references, and proof read carefully. 期末報告,兩倍行距,8-10頁。所有報告必須繕打,用12號字體,用apa標準的參考文獻,仔細校對。
- Final paper, 8-10 pages double spaced. All papers must be typed, double spaced, in 12-point font size. Use APA standard references, and proof read carefully. 期末報告,兩倍行距,8-10頁。所有報告必須繕打,用12號字體,用APA標準的參考文獻,仔細校對。
- The land registration, which is processed by computer, is deemed to be completed after the entry, proof reading and alteration of the main cadastral file according to the Rules governing the system. 土地登記以電腦處理者,經依系統規範登錄、校對,並異動地籍主檔完竣后,為登記完畢。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有確切的證據證明他做了此事。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已開始攻讀人類學。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 閱讀與寫作是不同的技能。
- The onus of proof lies with you. 你有責任提供證據。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 閱讀佔去了我大部分的閑暇時間。
- editing and proof reading quality 編校質量
- A soldier's courage is put to the proof in battle. 士兵的勇氣在戰鬥中得到考驗。
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小說念了幾段給我聽。
- Can you produce any proof of your date of birth? 你能出示有關你的生日日期的任何證件嗎?