- These adjectives refer to what is first in rank or in importance. 這些形容詞指在等級或重要性上占首要地位的東西。
- Applications for HKSAR passport may be submitted either by post or in person. 香港特別行政區護照的申請書可以用郵遞方式或親身遞交。
- Highest in rank, authority, or office. 最高的在等級、權威或者職位上最高的
- Lower in rank, power, or authority; subordinate. 從屬的,下級的等級、權力或威望低的; 附屬的
- There are good chances of promotion in this firm. 這家公司里提升的機會很多。
- Reduced in rank, dignity, or esteem. 被降級的降級的、丟臉的或降低尊嚴的
- Elevated in rank, character, or status. 提升的軍銜、身份或地位提升的
- Supreme in rank, power, or authority. 至高無上的,最高權力的在地位、權力或職權上最高的
- Management kept her promotion in limbo for months. 有好幾個月領導將她的升遷之事放置一邊。
- To raise in rank or position; promote. 升級,升職級別或職位上升;晉陞
- Advancement in rank or responsibility. 晉陞在職位或責任上的前進
- Please send your completed enrolment form together with the appropriate course fee to the HKSI by fax, by post or in person before the closing date. 請將填妥的報名表格連同適當的課程學費,於課程截止報名日期前親身、傳真或郵寄致香港證券專業學會。
- The officer was reduced in rank for dishonourable action. 那個軍官由於不光彩的行徑而被降職。
- You can also activate the surrounding detector to watch out for the Guards nearby, wherever on the tree top post or in the underground passages. 你也必須注意附近留守的守衛,無任是在樹上還是地道里。
- Do you teach your students singly or in groups? 你教學生是個別地教還是按組教?
- To reduce in rank or rating;demote. 使降級降低級別或降級;使人降級
- Is your husband above or below a major in rank? 你丈夫的軍階在上校之上還是之下?
- He act in good faith or in bad faith. 他做事有誠信或無誠信。
- There are many people in post office on Sunday. 星期天郵局裡有很多人
- Promotion in the job was by seniority. 這種工作得按資歷晉陞。