- The state of the prohibited articles to restrict the transport goods, dangerous goods, as well as smell or other easily defaced aircraft goods, can not be used as luggage or checked baggage to join. 國家規定的禁運物品、限制運輸物品、危險物品,以及具有異味或容易污損飛機的其他物品,不能作為行李或加入行李內託運。
- State prohibited articles to restrict the transport goods, dangerous substances, as well as smell or easily defaced aircraft other items can not be used as luggage or baggage checked into folder. 國家規定的禁運物品、限制運輸物品、危險物品,以及具有異味或容易污損飛機的其他物品,不能作為行李或夾入行李內託運。
- Shippers are also advised to refer to each countrys Import Prohibited Articles list. 我們也建議寄件人參考各國的進口禁運物品清單。
- Please do not put in EMS items cash, dangerous and all kinds of prohibited articles. 郵件內請勿夾寄現金、危險品及任何禁寄物品。
- What you need to do is simply look through the two lists-the Prohibited Articles List and the Duty free Quota List. 您所要做的只是查看一下這兩個表--違禁品表和免稅限額表。
- Prohibited articles and perishable things shall be disposed of in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State. 對違禁品或者不宜長期保存的物品,應當依照國家有關規定處理。
- I read a good article in today's paper. 我在今天的報紙上讀到了一篇好文章。
- A good typist can finish typing the long article in a short while. 一位好打字員可在短短時間內完成這一長長的文章。
- In this article the author contrasts good with evil. 在這篇文章中,作者將善惡加以對比。
- The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店員給每一件商品繫上標價簽。
- The article is devoid of substantial matter. 這篇文章缺乏實質性的內容。
- They prohibited him from going there. 他們禁止他去那裡。
- The article is an attempt to defame an honest man. 這篇文章旨在詆毀一個正直的人。
- Smoking is prohibited in the office building. 辦公樓內禁止抽煙。
- Sealing is prohibited in many countries. 許多國家禁止捕海豹。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章對她過去的行為進行了惡毒的攻擊。
- Smoking in this railway carriage is prohibited. 這個火車車廂內禁止吸煙。
- Rainy weather and fog prohibited flying. 雨天和大霧妨礙了飛行。
- The article has too many false presumptions. 這篇文章中憑空臆測的東西太多。
- Her article was a counterblast to her critics. 她的文章有力地回擊了那些批評者。