- Gain a distinct professional advantage in a competitive job market. 在激烈的市場競爭中獲得一項獨特的專業優勢。
- Concrete sawing and drilling is truly the professional advantage in the concrete building and renovation industry. 混凝土鋸鑽是真正的專業優勢,在具體的建設和改造工業。
- This is meant, next year is perfectness foreign language, have some professional advantage, have foreign capital company or the to apply for a job of setting of job of domestic well-known company person will gain more abroad development opportunities. 這意味著,明年精通外語、具有某項專業優勢、具有外資企業或國內知名企業工作背景的求職者將會贏得更多的海外發展機會。
- Through service integration, professional advantages are highlighted. 通過業務整合,專業優勢凸顯。
- He has just turned professional. 他剛轉為專業人員。
- He has achieved eminence in his profession. 他在職業上出人頭地。
- Teaching is a demanding profession. 教學工作是個要求很高的工作。
- Perhaps every profession has got its black sheep. 也許每個行業都有害群之馬。
- It will be to our mutual advantage to work closely. 密切合作將為我們業務的順利開展提供保證。
- He took advantage of her while she was drunk. 在她喝醉時,他誘姦了她。
- He laddered to the top of his profession. 他躍上他的行業的最高峰。
- It never occurred to me to take advantage of him. 我決沒有想到過要佔他的便宜。
- He is a leading member of the medical profession. 他是醫療業中首屈一指的醫生。
- She intends to make teaching her profession. 她想以教書為職業。
- You should take advantage of it. 你應該好好利用這個機會。
- He is an electrical technician by profession. 他的職業是電工技師。
- This survey is the work of a real professional. 這份調查是真正內行人做的。
- Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession. 護理工作既是職業又是救死扶傷的責任。
- Professional boxing is no bed of roses. 職業拳擊不是一碗好吃的飯。
- The act, practice, or profession of instructing. 授課講授的行為,實踐或職業