- Can vitriolic gentamicin use profess to convinced? 硫酸慶大黴素可以用來口服?
- Cure " gouty " is side effect of drug of profess to convinced big? 治療「痛風」的口服藥副作用大嗎?
- Is the drug that treats hematic heat profess to convinced? 有沒有治療血熱的葯是口服的?
- Commonly used quantity 5 milligram, daily 3, profess to convinced. 常用量5毫克,每日3次,口服。
- What medicine profess to convinced can treat palace neck phlogistic? 什麼葯口服可以治療宮頸炎?
- Having local treatment while, need profess to convinced or inject antibiotic. 在進行局部處理的同時,需要口服或注射抗生素。
- Hello, looking is strumous big, do a thyroid colour to exceed to the hospital go, if be OK,profess to convinced medications. 你好,看看是不是甲狀腺腫大,到醫院做一個甲狀腺彩超就行,假如是可以口服藥物治療。
- Profess to convinced of reserpine, kanamycin, can reduce convulsion of art afterbrain blood-vessel. 利血平、卡那黴素口服,可減少術後腦血管痙攣。
- Cyst of benign mammary gland besides vitamin of profess to convinced B6, why to eat anticarcinogen even? 良性乳腺囊腫除了口服維生素B6,為什麼還要吃抗癌藥?
- Belong to lymph node agnail, capsule of Mo Xilin of A of profess to convinced, swollen section wind piece. 耳垂後面長了個疙瘩,是怎麼回事?應該怎麼治?
- General and local change medicine, profess to convinced or vein to use antibiosis. 一般局部換藥、口服或靜脈使用抗生。
- It is better that profess to convinced is absorbed, dosage and ammoniac benzyl penicillin are identical. 口服吸收較好,劑量與氨苄青霉素相同。
- Include fluid of dust, microcrystalline bead, tablet, profess to convinced to wait a moment. 包括粉劑、微晶粒、片劑、口服液等等。
- What does solution of profess to convinced of B12 of dimension of inositol bilking ammonia study? If adult was taken, what side effect is there? 賴氨肌醇維B12口服溶液是治什麼的?如果大人服用了,有什麼副作用?
- This is pure branny rash, you are OK profess to convinced is compound vitamin B piece, the sulfureous ointment of 10% is brushed outside. 臉上長了白色像癬的東西.;只有指頭大小的一塊是什麼呀?怎麼治療啊?
- Take lasting effect prophylactic and prophylactic of short effect profess to convinced that is more effective, which safer injure lowest to the body? 服用長效避孕藥和短效口服避孕藥那個更有效,哪個更安全對身體損傷最低?
- The cure of trichomonad sex vaginitis can choose metronidazole profess to convinced and vagina to place, use drug 7 days continuously. 滴蟲性陰道炎的治療可選擇滅滴靈口服及陰道放置,連續用藥7天。
- Rifampin of profess to convinced of patient of kidney n/med tuberculosis has treatment, discuss its the metabolization way inside body? 腎結核患者口服利福平進行治療,論述其在體內的代謝途徑?
- Or inchoate make anteroom puncture, amine of acyl of nitrogen of vinegar of Yi Ke profess to convinced in order to reduce intraocular pressure. 或早期作前房穿刺,亦可口服醋氮醯胺以降低眼壓。
- Had mentioned above, the remedial method of contagious soft wart is much and simple, general need not medicaments of profess to convinced, only local cure can be cured 9 times. 上面已經提到,傳染性軟疣的治療方法多且簡單,一般不用口服藥物,僅局部治療一兩次即可治癒。