- It succeeded to resolve the updating of tens of thousands of routing table,the shaking of complex RPR topology database,high cost of hardware storage space and the spending problem of CPU. 成功地解決了數以10萬計的路由表項的更新、複雜RPR拓撲庫的震蕩、高成本硬體存貯空間和CPU的開銷問題.
- It succeeded to resolve the updating of tens of thousands of routing table, the shaking of complex RPR topology database, high cost of hardware storage space and the spending problem of CPU. 成功地解決了數以10萬計的路由表項的更新、複雜RPR拓撲庫的震蕩、高成本硬體存貯空間和CPU的開銷問題。
- To solve the problem of routing look up and storing in high performance routers, a method is proposed by using pruning algorithm and extendable mask technique to compress routing table. 摘要針對高性能路由器中的路由存儲和快速查找問題,提出了將冗餘裁減演算法和掩碼擴展技術相結合的方法來壓縮路由表。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不談巨額費用問題。
- He often came up against the problem of money. 他那時常常碰到錢的問題。
- We are facing a problem of great complexity. 我們正面對著一個極複雜的問題。
- How do you cope with the problem of poor vision? 怎樣解決視力不好這一難題呢?
- ACLs can restrict the delivery of routing updates. ACL能限制路由更新的傳送。
- It's a problem of such perplexity that it was impossible to solve. 那是個複雜得無法解決的問題。
- Routing Type-indicates the type of routing to be used. Routing Type -- 指示使用的路由類型。
- The problem of neocolonialism was discussed in the history book. 這本歷史書討論了新殖民主義的問題。
- To solve the problem of guidance reference image resources support of cruise missile,requirement and general steps of route planning,preparation and preprocessing of mat ching zone reference images is studied. 立足於巡航導彈作戰保障 ;研究了制導基準圖製備過程中巡航導彈航跡規劃的要求及一般步驟 ;匹配區基準圖的篩選與預處理 .;提出了建立目標區影像庫以實現制導基準圖資源可靠保障的思想
- The government is soft-pedaling the problem of unemployment. 政府不聲張失業的問題。
- Here I shall also mention the problem of bloating. 這裡我還要講一個腫字。
- Let us reconsider the problem of derangements. 讓我們重新考慮錯位問題。
- I have no intention of routing out my name to the students. 我不打算向同學們大聲報出我的名字。
- The problem of fuel presses for solution. 這個燃料的問題急待解決。
- He gave us a valuable insight into the problems of education. 他在教育問題上給我們提供了寶貴的見解。
- Routing Type indicates the type of routing to be used. Routing Type -- 指示使用的路由類型。
- This is a serious problem of which I am well aware. 這是個很大的問題,我是意識到這個問題的。