- I had the privilege of meeting the queen. 我有會見王后的特權。
- The ancient privilege of sanctuary was transferred to the Christian temple. 古代的庇護特權轉移到了基督教的教堂。
- O sacred privilege of Roman citizenship! 啊,神聖的羅馬公民權,一度是神聖不容侵犯的,而今卻橫遭殘踏!
- Give sb. The privilege of doing sth. 特許某人做某事
- And we have the privilege of being observers. 而我們有成為觀察者的特權。
- I enjoy the privilege of meeting you. 我很榮幸遇見你。
- Do not overdo your privilege of reproving me. 不要過分使用責備我的特權。
- We look forward to the privilege of serving you. 我們期待能夠得到為你服務的特權。
- Do not overdo your privilege of reproving or castigating me. 不要過分使用責備我的特權;不要對我倚老賣老。
- Represents the fixed internal rate of return. 中,表示固定的內部收益率。
- No. I believe in a reasonable rate of return. 不。我只信按合理比率獲益。
- I had the privilege of knowing your brother in years past, and I realize your great loss. 多年前我有幸結識您哥哥,因此我知道他的逝世是您的巨大損失。
- Parking in this street is the privilege of the residents. 在這條街上停車是此處居民特有的權利.
- What is the rate of return on your investment? 你投資的回報率是多少?
- Is the estimated internal rate of return. 是估計的內部收益率。
- It is his belief that education should not be the privilege of a limited number of people. 他相信,教育不應該是某一限定人數的特權。
- Calculate internal rate of return. 計算實質報酬率。
- Such laws exist only to conserve the privilege of this selfish minority. 這種法律的存在只會保護這一小部分自私自利者的特權。
- To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat. 破釜沉舟消除返回或撤退的可能性
- I hope to have the privilege of working with them again. 但願有幸與他們再度合作。