- A private office sacred to the President. 總統專用的私人辦公室
- Overall arrangement of the office layout, furniture and decoration. 對辦公室管理布局,裝修和傢具的管理。
- However, the resources of my Private Office were not equal to the occasion. 然而,我的私人辦公廳的能力都有辦法應付這種局面。
- It's a public relations office, a press office and a private office all in one. 那兒既是公關辦公室,也是新聞辦公室,又是私人辦公室:三位一體。
- Writing desks are available, as is a private office and a boardroom for last-minute powwows. 寫字檯、私人辦公室、甚至是會議室,這裡一應俱全。
- Additional design features include outdoor terraces on both the 11th and 12th floors and a 40-foot clear span from curtain wall to core for maximum flexibility of office layout. 更多的設計功能包括室外的露台上都第11和第12層和40英尺明確跨度從幕牆,以核心最大靈活性的辦公室布局。
- No, it is the office layout that matters: people who sit near each other tend to know the same things, as evidenced by making similar trades on the prediction markets. 原來,辦公室布局才是關鍵所在:座位接近的人往往知道同樣的事情,在預測市場進行同樣的交易證明了這一點。
- She leaves, and in a moment returns to beckon John to Mr. Ketcham's private office. (她離去了,過了一會兒,回來招呼約翰到凱查姆先生的私人辦公室去。)
- Its aim is to provide a pleasing working environment for all, coupled with economic use of space and the ability on management's part to alter office layout to cope with changes in working methods. 儘管它的目標是為了提供一個令人愉快的工作環境,但同時也要兼顧到空間的經濟使用以及經理們辦公室的大小,由此來隨著工作方法的不同改變辦公室的布局。
- Overview: Private Office, our Finance Department, covers a huge spectrum of work. From being closely involved in supporting the Firm's business strat... 公司性質:合資公司規模:1000-9999人經驗要求:3-5年最低學歷:本科/學士及同等學歷
- Add details like walls, electrical symbols, cubicle layouts, and office furniture to help visualize the overall office layout. 添加牆壁、電氣符號、隔間布局和辦公傢具等細節有助於直觀呈現整個辦公室布局。
- His secretary had led me into his private office, which was filled with books and what looked to be aging manuscripts, the walls lined with old photographs and campaign memorabilia. 他的秘書領著我來到他的私人辦公室,房間里滿是書籍和看起來有點年頭的手抄本,牆壁上排列著老照片和競選活動紀念海報。
- The Business Centre, having separate meeting rooms and private offices, is offering various business services. 商務中心提供各種商務服務並設有獨立會議室與私人辦公室。
- Even CEOs and founders can be prevented from establishing private offices if they're dependent on VCs. 因此我的經驗是:除了最開明的公司之外,任一家公司都會找盡理由,幾乎是不可能讓開發者獲得私人辦公室。
- Use the Office Layout template to create simple or detailed scaled layouts for individual offices. 使用「辦公室布局」模板可為各個辦公室創建簡單的或詳細的成比例布局。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立醫院就診,你得付費。
- Ten Information Officers have been posted to the private offices of Principal Officials to act as their Press Secretaries. 現時共有十位新聞主任調任主要官員私人辦公室,出任他們的新聞秘書。
- There's a cigar bar and a recreation room, a library and a fully-equipped business center complete with private offices. 另外還有雪茄吧及娛樂室,一間圖書館及設備齊全的商務中心,裡面還提供私人辦公室。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的辦公室工作是我的謀生之道。