- So what if it takes an extra few milliseconds to look up your stock reports or parse those log files? 因此多花幾個毫秒來查詢股票價格或處理日誌文件又有什麼關係呢?
- 5) Verify the stock report from warehouseman; 核實倉管員遞交的倉庫庫存報告;
- Verify the stock report from warehouseman; 核實倉管員遞交的倉庫庫存報告;
- In addition, for the on-line stock reports, TCL, Galanz, Sanyo, Whirlpool, Philips and many other suppliers CEOs are denied. 中英文對照:另外,針對網上的斷貨傳聞,TCL、格蘭仕、三洋、惠而浦、飛利浦等眾多供應商老總均予以否認。
- Government officials for now will only say that the next major 「data check」 is January 11, when USDA releases the Grain Stocks report and the Crop Production, Annual Summary. 現在政府官員會說,下一次的「數據檢查」將在1月11日,屆時美國農業部將發布穀物庫存報告及作物產量年度匯總。
- It happened prior to my arrival. 這發生在我到達之前。
- I appreciate that you may have prior commitments. 我體諒你可能事先已另有承諾。
- Something afforded or deserving prior attention. 優先考慮的事或值得優先注意的事
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位藥商進了一大批藥品。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 該店的全部現貨是光面的平裝書。
- Review of any recommendations from prior report. 以前報告的一些優點回顧。
- His answer was tinted by his prior knowledge. 他的回答說明他先前就有所了解。
- No prior knowledge should be required. 不需要預先學得什麼知識。
- My children have a prior claim on my time. 我的時間首先得用來照顧我的孩子。
- He ceded his stock holdings to his children. 他將股票讓給了他的子女。
- It happened prior to her departure. 這事在她走前發生的。
- He went heels over head into buying mining stock. 他購買了礦業股票,做事真魯莽。
- The store is closing out a large stock of toys. 該店正減價出售大批玩具存貨。
- Mr Sharp ceded his stock holdings to his children. 夏普先生將他的股票過戶給他的子女。
- Have you any grey pullovers in stock? 你們有灰色套頭毛衣的現貨嗎?