- A blank string indicates a primary file. 空字元串指示主文件。
- The file name list must include at least the primary file. 文件名列表至少必須包括主文件。
- Can be created that includes one primary file and five secondary files. 其中包括一個主要文件和五個次要文件。
- In this way, the primary file will contain only system tables and objects. 這樣,主文件將只包含系統表和對象。
- The primary file contains the system tables that point to other files in the database. 主文件中包含指向資料庫中其他文件的系統表。
- Three types of files are used to store a database. These include primary files, secondary files, and transaction logs. 有三種類型的文件可用於存儲資料庫:主文件、輔助文件和事務日誌。
- Databases do not need secondary data files if the primary file is large enough to hold all the data in the database. 如果主文件足夠大,能夠包含資料庫中的所有數據,則該資料庫不需要輔助數據文件。
- Primary file must be at least %d MB to accommodate a copy of the model database. 主文件必須至少是%25d MB才能容納模型資料庫的副本。
- The primary data file cannot be made smaller than the size of the primary file in the model database. 主數據文件不能收縮到小於model資料庫中的主文件的大小。
- For a read-only database, the differential bitmap of the primary file cannot be updated during a backup. 對於只讀資料庫,備份時無法更新主文件的差異點陣圖。
- For a read-only database, the log file or files must be available at the location specified in the primary file of the database. 對於只讀資料庫,日誌文件在資料庫主文件中指定的位置上必須可用。
- If PRIMARY is not specified, the first file listed in the CREATE DATABASE statement becomes the primary file. 如果沒有指定PRIMARY,那麼CREATE DATABASE語句中列出的第一個文件將成為主文件。
- The size specified for the primary file must be at least as large as the primary file of the model database. 為主文件指定的大小至少應與model資料庫的主文件大小相同。
- If the primary file is being restored, the recovery point determines the state of the whole database. 如果正在還原主文件,則恢復點將確定整個資料庫的狀態。
- In contrast, for a read-only database, the log cannot be rebuilt because the primary file cannot be updated. 相比之下,對於只讀資料庫,由於主文件不能更新,將不能重新生成日誌。
- Can be created that includes one primary file that contains all data and objects and a log file that contains the transaction log information. 其中包括一個包含所有數據和對象的主要文件和一個包含事務日誌信息的日誌文件。
- Based on very limited usage as a primary file format, we will not save Excel specific tags that retain Excel functionality when re-opened. 由於作為主文件格式的使用非常有限,我們將不保存重新打開時保留Excel功能的Excel特定標記。
- If the primary file is not being restored, the database state is known and restored data is rolled forward to a recovery point that is transactionally consistent with the database. 如果不還原主文件,則資料庫狀態已知,並且還原的數據前滾到與資料庫事務一致的恢復點。
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 這疾病仍然在初發階段。
- Management is the Primary Productivity. 管理是第一生產力。