- It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth. 這個評估很有道理,可能相當正確。
- He never actually tells lies, but he often sails pretty close to the wind. 他實際上從不撒謊,但說的話常跡近撒謊。
- Maggie: Oh, I'm... Pretty close. 麥琪:哦,差不離。
- I came pretty close to going into the food business myself. 我本人也差一點進了食品行業。
- Firing senior staff without reference to the boss comes pretty close to lese-majeste. 不請示老闆而解僱高級職員,罪近欺君。
- Pretty close to the perfect short list for any programmer. 幾乎是為任何一個程序員準備的完美的精簡列表。
- The first two installments were pretty close together in 1980. 第一次和節二次提款隔得很近,都是在1980年提的。
- They aren't married, but they have a pretty close relationship. 他們沒有結婚, 但關係很密切。
- The preliminary keps were observed to be pretty close. 衛星當前的軌道參數正常。
- On the 22nd, enjoy the day -- it should be pretty close to perfect. 22號就好好的享受一天吧,你應該離完美相當接近了。
- I've also driven to Spa, and Hockenheim is also pretty close. 我一直都是開車去斯帕的,而且離霍根海姆也很近。
- I studied him pretty closely at one time. 有一次我相當仔細地看了看他。
- He never actually tells lie,but he often sails pretty close to the wind. 他實際上從不撒謊,但說的話常跡近撒謊。
- I don't know what year my dad's car is but it must run yours pretty close. 我不知道我爸爸的汽車是哪一年的,很可能同你的差不多。
- I must have hit her pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh, kid? 想必我成功地惹惱她,小子!
- Unless Maxis is hiding any other features, Galactic Adventures looks pretty close to done. 除非明藏匿任何其他功能,銀河歷險看起來相當接近完成。
- His account of happens jibes pretty closely with what I've got written here. 他對發生事件的描述與我已寫完的稿件幾乎完全一致。
- Though pretty close to the original, the Arctic Cat Standard Edition Prowler has a few major differences. 雖然相當接近到原來的,北極貓標準版徘徊有幾個重大分歧。
- As the VIX indicated, the S&P 500 index ended a choppy session pretty close to where it started the day. 同波動率指數顯示的信號一致,昨天標普500指數經過一天的震蕩之後幾乎收於平盤。
- Here, we are pretty close in signing the publishing deal, so when that happens, you'll hear it here as well. 在這方面,我們非常接近簽署了出版協議,所以,當發生這種情況,您會聽到這裡的。