- Study on Preserved Fruit of Physalis pubescens L. 毛酸漿果果脯的研製。
- Sour preserved fruit made by our factory has the effect of promoting the production of body fluid and relieving thirst. 本廠生產的酸質蜜餞具有生津止渴的功效。
- Yes,I do,but I prefer preserved fruit to fresh fruit. 是的,我喜歡,但是我喜歡蜜餞水果勝過新鮮水果。
- Yes, I do,but I prefer preserved fruit to fresh fruit. 是的, 我喜歡, 但是我喜歡水蜜餞水果勝過新鮮水果。
- Would you please show me the preserved fruits? 請給我看看蜜餞好嗎?
- Mother always preserves fruit in bottles. 母親總是用瓶子做水果蜜餞。
- Techniques for Processing the Preserved Fruit of Citrus changshan-huyou Y.B. Chang, sp. Nov. 常山胡柚脯的加工技術。
- There is different stuffing, such as lotus seed paste, preserved fruit, sweetened bean paste, nut let and ham. 裡面的餡兒也不一樣,有蓮蓉、果脯、豆沙、果仁、火腿等等。
- Preserved fruits were very popular in the tropics and subtropics. 果脯是熱帶亞熱帶地區比較流行的一種休閑食品。
- Through a trival treatment process, the vitamin it may be said in preserved fruit is already place remnant very few. 經過么一番繁瑣的加工過程,果脯中的維生素可謂是已經所剩無幾。
- Object:To establish a RP-HPLC method for the determination of liquiritin and glycyrrhizic acid in preserved fruit. 目的:建立用RP-HPLC法同時測定果脯中甘草苷和甘草酸含量的方法。
- The preserved fruit of yellow Passiflora edulis Sims is fit for processing preserved fruit. 其中黃果西番蓮果脯品質更優。
- A pleasant, pronounced and luscious finish with fine preserved fruit aromas and an irrepressible touch of freshness and vivacity. 口中有強烈的果味衝擊,細膩果味清新口感帶來愉悅甘美的回味。
- The products of Yuhang such as Jingshan tea, Shaoshan preserved fruit, Sanjiacun lotus powder and Tangxi loquat have the name at home and at abroad. 餘杭的徑山茶、超山蜜餞、三家村藕粉、塘棲枇杷等產品在國內外都享有一定聲譽。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我們現在的目的是創辦一座工廠。
- Hygienic specifications of candied fruit factory 蜜餞廠衛生規範
- Mother puts up a keeping [store] of preserved fruits and jellies every year. 母親每年都要貯存蜜餞和果凍。
- Sterilization of food is including: cooked domestic animal meat, dry fruit &preserved fruit, cake, fragrant material, fruit &vegetable, condiment, pickles &kraut, pet feed. 食品的滅菌消毒包括:熟畜禽肉類、乾果果脯類、糕點類、香辛料、鮮水果蔬菜類、調味品、醬菜泡菜、寵物飼料類等的輻照滅菌、保鮮、抑制發芽、醇化。
- Water also has to protect their own food moisture coating performance, can be used for frozen food, confectionery and preserved fruit, such as to prevent the stick together. 同樣具有以自身水分保護被塗覆食品水分的性能,可用於冷凍食品、糖果及果脯等,防止粘在一起。
- One common way of preserving fruit is to cook it with sugar, so making jam. 保存水果的一個普通方法是把水果用糖煮成果醬。