- possess the secret of preserving youthful looks 駐顏有術
- Youth looks forward and age backward . 青年展望未來,老人回顧過去。
- Youth looks forward and age backward. 青年展望未來,老人回顧過去。
- The youth looked exceedingly crestfallen. 那青年看上去垂頭喪氣極了。
- The youth looked exceedingly crestfallen . 那青年看上去垂頭喪氣極了。
- Cheerfulness And contentment are great beautiful And famous preservers of youthful looks . 快樂和滿足是最高檔的美容產品最名牌的抗衰老製劑。
- Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and famous preservers of youthful looks. 快樂和滿足是最高檔的美容產品,最名牌的抗衰老製劑。
- For the lucky few,such as Hollywood greats Raquel Welch,60,Sophia Loren,66,and Robert Redford,64,the chemical balance appears just right to help retain their youthful looks. 對少數幸運的人來說,例如好萊塢的巨星60歲的拉克爾·韋爾奇,66歲的索菲婭·羅蘭和64歲的羅伯特·雷德富,他們體內相關元素的均衡性正好讓他們能青春永駐。
- With his smiling eyes and wide-brimmed hat, he has a youthful look, but he was in his mid to late 40s when the likeness was painted. 畫中他有著會微笑的眼睛,戴者寬邊的帽子,使他看上去很年輕。但其實他被畫的時候已經是在40歲中後期了。
- High potency DMAE concentrate is ideal to help firm and tone throat and facial skin for a more supple, more youthful look. 高效的DMAE成份能緊緻面部和頸部的肌膚,提供給肌膚更多的營養,使肌膚看上去更年輕。
- When the delicate skin around the eye loses some of its elasticity Camomile Eye Lifting Moisture Cream visibly firms and moisturizes for a more youthful look. 當眼睛四周細緻優雅的肌膚失去原有的彈性,緊緻滋養保濕眼霜能明顯得緊緻和滋養眼部,使眼部看上去更年輕。
- Effect : The wrinkles of the eye coutour area are smoothed, skin is firmer. Dark circles, puffiness andsigns of tiredness are relieved. The eyes retain their youthful look. 主要功效:撫平細紋,淡化黑色素,緊實眼睛周圍肌膚,使眼部明亮動人,早晚使用效果倍佳。
- Work of day have a youthful look is bit moister, because stationmaster program announced dot original program, this kind of website again arisen, make money do not have a few. 日後生活就滋潤了點,由於站長程序公布了點原程序,此類網站再次興起,賺錢的沒幾個吧。
- For the lucky few, such as Hollywood greats Raquel Welch, 60, Sophia Loren, 66, and Robert Redford, 64, the chemical balance appears just right to help retain their youthful looks. 對少數幸運的人來說,例如好萊塢的巨星60歲的拉克爾·韋爾奇,66歲的索菲婭·羅蘭和64歲的羅伯特·雷德富,他們體內相關元素的均衡性正好讓他們能青春永駐。
- Welles said that he spent years living down how far he'd come down from his "youthful looks," when in fact he never really looked that good. 「臨時整容」以及髮型設計還有攝像的一些小技巧讓他看上去比現實生活中帥多了。
- Dr Sandra Wheatley, a psychologist, told the Daily Mail that the survey's findings were "really encouraging" and indicated that women placed value on life achievements as well as youthful looks. 心理學家魏特利告訴每日郵報,這份研究的發現真的非常鼓舞人心,研究指出了女性重視生活成就,也重視年輕容貌。
- He looks a suspicious character. 他像個可疑的人。
- Delicately scented with a high concentration of vitamin E, this non-sticky lotion will help keep your skin soft, supple and youthful looking. 輕淡的香氣搭配了高濃度的維生素E,這款輕透的乳液將幫助保持您的皮膚柔軟細緻,看起來更年輕。
- Salt and spices help to preserve meat. 鹽和調味品有助於保藏肉類。
- It is highly important to preserve the environment. 保護自然環境至關重要。